This article is a list of Bible trivia questions. Bible trivia is an excellent method for studying the Bible and putting one’s knowledge to the test in an entertaining setting.
Your knowledge of the Old and New Testament will be tested with these Bible trivia questions, while at the same time, you will have fun discovering things that you may not have known before.
Take these Bible trivia questions and incorporate them into your regular study to better understand Jesus and the Bible. Grab these fun trivia questions for kids for even more laughs and excitement while you’re at it.
Bible trivia questions and answers are a great option for those who want to attend a Christian event but want to have some fun while there.
General Bible Trivia Questions
Bible trivia questions that are easy to remember yet difficult to answer are among the finest for a Bible trivia game. Out of all of them, we went through and selected the very finest Bible quiz and answers.
1. True or False: The Bible is the most popular book ever written. (By copies sold)
Answer: True.
2. What is the first book in the Bible?
Answer: Genesis.
3. What are the names of the birds Noah sent out of the ark to check if the water had dried up?
Answer: Raven and dove.
4. When did the exodus from Egypt take place?
Answer: 13th-century BCA
5. Which celestial bodies did Joshua command to stay still?
Answer: The sun and moon.
6. Where did Adam and Eve live at the beginning of the world?
Answer: Garden of Eden.
7. Who were Cain, Abel, Seth?
Answer: Adam and Eve’s three sons listed in the Bible
8. Which tribe was Paul from?
Answer: Tribe of Benjamin.
9. How many days and nights did it rain when Noah was on the ark?
Answer: 40.
10. What was God’s sign to Noah that he would never destroy the earth again?
Answer: A rainbow.
11. How many brothers did Joseph have?
Answer: 11.
12. How many books did Paul write in the Bible?
Answer: Thirteen.
13. What did Joseph tell his brothers about his dreams that upset them?
Answer: The dreams said he would become greater and rule over them.
14. What was Daniel’s punishment for praying when it was not allowed?
Answer: He got thrown into a lion’s den.
15. Through what did God speak to Moses in the desert?
Answer: A burning bush.
16. What did Moses say God commanded the Pharaoh to do?
Answer: Let his people go.
17. How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
Answer: 10.
18. What was the final plague that convinced Pharaoh to let the slaves go?
Answer: The firstborn son of all Egyptian families died.
19. When Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army after the slaves, where did they meet at?
Answer: By the Red Sea.
20. What did God through Moses to save the slaves?
Answer: Parted the Red Sea.
21. When the Egyptians tried to follow the Israelites through the Red Sea, what happened?
Answer: The water crashed on them and killed them all.
22. Where did God give Moses the Ten Commandments?
Answer: Mt. Sinai.
23. What golden image did the Israelites make at Mt. Sinai?
Answer: A golden calf.
24. Who was the first king of Israel?
Answer: Saul.
25. When Daniel prayed to God after it was not allowed, where was he thrown into?
Answer: The lion’s den.
26. Who was Jesus’ human mother?
Answer: Mary.
27. Who was Jesus’ adoptive father on Earth?
Answer: Joseph.
28. Who was Jesus’ birth father?
Answer: God.
29. Which well did Abraham and Abimelech fight over?
Answer: Beersheba.
30. True or False: Because Jesus was God, he didn’t obey his parents’ rules.
Answer: False. Jesus obeyed his parents.
31. Who baptized Jesus?
Answer: John the Baptist.
32. Who spoke from the sky when Jesus was baptized?
Answer: God.
33. What did God say?
Answer: That he was pleased with his son.
34. Before Jesus started preaching, what was his job?
Answer: Carpenter.
35. Name Jesus’ hometown.
Answer: Nazareth.
Random Bible Trivia Questions
These Bible questions and answers are so random that you may start to doubt whether or not they were even included in the Bible. These are some facts you’ve probably never heard before, but you will after reading this.
1. True or False: Jesus turned water into Pepsi.
Answer: False, Jesus turned water into wine.
2. Name the place where Jesus walked on water?
Answer: Sea of Galilee.
3. True or False: Jesus stayed away from people with bad reputations?
Answer: False. He often ate with “sinners.”
4. True or False: Everywhere he went, people loved Jesus and believed his message?
Answer: False. Jesus was rejected many times.
5. How many disciples did Jesus choose?
Answer: 12.
6. Besides preaching, name an activity Jesus did while traveling in Galilee
Answer: Healing the sick and casting out demons.
7. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
Answer: John 11:35 Jesus wept.
8. Why did Jesus weep in that verse?
Answer: Because his friend Lazarus died.
9. How much bread and fish did Jesus use to feed more than 5,000 people?
Answer: Five loaves of bread—and two fish.
10. True or False: Jesus’ said washing hands is never important.
Answer: False. He said dirty hands don’t make a person spiritually unclean. You can still get germs!
11. True or False: Jesus asked the children to stay back while he was teaching important things to grown-ups.
Answer: False–Jesus welcomed children.
12. What did Jesus do at the Last Supper to his disciples?
Answer: Washed their feet.
13. What did the woman pour on Jesus’ feet at the home of Simon the Leper?
Answer: Jar of expensive perfume.
14. Name the disciple who betrayed Jesus.
Answer: Judas Iscariot.
15. True or False: Jesus didn’t know that he was going to be arrested and killed in Jerusalem.
Answer: False. He knew and told his disciples before it happened.
16. Which disciple denied Jesus three times?
Answer: Peter.
17. What happened after Jesus was buried in the tomb?
Answer: He rose again.
18. What was rolled away from the entrance of the tomb?
Answer: A large stone.
19. What day of the week did Jesus rise back to life?
Answer: Sunday.
20. How did Jesus leave Earth and go to Heaven?
Answer: He rose into the clouds.
21. How many books have the name John in them?
Answer: Four.
22. Name the person who received the 10 Commandments from God?
Answer: Moses.
23. What is the last book in the Bible?
Answer: Revelation.
24. What is the 2nd commandment?
Answer: You shall not make idols.
25. What is the 3rd commandment?
Answer: You shall not misuse the name of the Lord.
26. What is the 4th commandment?
Answer: Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
27. What is the 5th commandment?
Answer: Honor your father and mother.
28. What is the 6th commandment?
Answer: You shall not murder.
29. What is the 7th commandment?
Answer: You shall not commit adultery.
30. What is the 8th commandment?
Answer: You shall not steal.
31. What is the 9th commandment?
Answer: You shall not give false testimony.
32. What is the 10th commandment?
Answer: You shall not covet.
33. What does Jesus say is the first and greatest commandment?
Answer: Love God with all your heart, minds, soul, and strength.
34. What does Jesus say is the second greatest commandment?
Answer: Love your neighbor as yourself.
Funny Bible Trivia Questions
If you believe the Bible to be a serious book, you should reconsider that view. While you’re laughing at these funny Bible trivia questions, you’ll also be expanding your knowledge of this ancient book. It’s like killing two birds with one stone.
1. What did God say after He created Adam?
Answer: I can do better than that.” And so, He created woman.
2. Who was the greatest female financier in the Bible?
Answer: Pharaoh’s daughter — she went down to the bank of the Nile and drew out a little profit.
3. Who was the first drug addict in the Bible?
Answer: Nebuchadnezzar — he was on grass for seven years.
4. What was David’s job before he became King?
Answer: He worked as a shepherd.
5. Which river did Jesus get baptized in?
Answer: The Jordan River.
6. Which country did Moses assist the Israelites in fleeing?
Answer: Egypt.
7. Which Biblical figure was willing to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice on an altar?
Answer: Abraham.
8. Give the name of the author of the Book of Revelation.
Answer: John.
9. What gift did Salome request after dancing for Herod?
Answer: John the Baptist’s head.
10. How many plagues did God send down on Egypt?
Answer: Ten.
11. What was Simon Peter’s job before he became an apostle?
Answer: Fisherman.
12. What did Adam say to Eve as he handed her a garment?
Answer: Collect it or leaf it.
13. What is the total number of books in the New Testament?
Answer: 27.
14. What did the soldiers put on Jesus’ head during his crucifixion?
Answer: A thorny crown.
15. What were the names of the first two apostles who followed Jesus?
Answer: Peter and Andrew.
16. Which of the apostles was sceptical of Jesus’ resurrection until he saw him for himself?
Answer: Thomas.
17. Darius threw who into the lion’s den?
Answer: Daniel.
18. After being thrown overboard, who was swallowed by a large fish?
Answer: Jonah.
19. With five loaves and two fish, Jesus fed how many people?
Answer: 5,000 people.
20. Who removed Jesus’ body from the cross after his crucifixion?
Answer: Joseph of Arimathea.
21. What did Jesus do for the next forty days following his resurrection?
Answer: He ascended to the heavens.
22. How long did the Israelites wander in the wilderness?
Answer: For forty years.
23. What was the name of the first Christian martyr?
Answer: Stephen.
24. Which city’s walls collapsed after the priests blew their trumpets?
Answer: Jericho.
25. What is kept in the Ark of the Covenant, according to the Book of Exodus?
Answer: The Ten Commandments.
26. Which book of the Bible mentioned Haman?
Answer: Esther
27. Which garden did Jesus pray in before he was arrested?
Answer: Gethsemane.
28. What was the name of the angel who appeared to Mary and told her she would give birth to Jesus?
Answer: Gabriel.
29. What was the first bird Noah released from the Ark?
Answer: A raven.
30. How did Judas identify Jesus to the soldiers when he betrayed him?
Answer: He kissed him.
31. When did God create man, according to the Old Testament?
Answer: The sixth day.
32. Who requested for the head of John the Baptist?
Answer: Salome.
33. Who was the first to see Jesus after his resurrection?
Answer: Mary Magdalene.
34. God created Eve from what part of Adam’s body?
Answer: His ribs.
35. What miracle did Jesus perform at the Cana wedding?
Answer: He transformed water into wine.
Fun Bible Trivia Questions
Not at all dull are the study of the Bible and its history. Have a good time learning more about the world’s best-known book by using these fun Bible trivia questions, which are certain to turn something that sounds dull into something interesting.
1. How many words are in the shortest verse in the Bible?
Answer: Two. “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35)
2. Who is the oldest man mentioned in the Bible?
Answer: Methuselah. He lived 969 years. (Genesis 5:27)
3. What book in the Bible doesn’t mention God by name?
Answer: The book of Esther.
4. Who are the five angels mentioned by name in the Bible?
Answer: According to, the five angels are Abbadon, Gabriel, Michael, Beelzebub, and Satan.
5. What so-called mythological creature is mentioned in the Bible?
Answer: Unicorns, in the King James translation. (Isaiah 34:7).
6. What is the last word in the Bible?
Answer: Amen. (Revelation 22:21)
7. How many wives did King Solomon have?
Answer: He had 700 wives and 300 concubines. (1 Kings 11:3)
8. What two men in the Bible never died?
Answer: Elijah (2 Kings 2:11) and Enoch (Genesis 5:21-24).
9. Who shut the door of Noah’s ark?
Answer: God. (Genesis 7:16)
10. What street did Judas live on?
Answer: Straight street. (Acts 9:11)
11. Which apostle was a tentmaker?
Answer: Paul. (Acts 18:1-3)
12. How long did Jesus hang on the cross?
Answer: Six hours – from the third hour to the ninth hour. (Mark 15:25-37)
13. What were the first spoken words in the Bible?
Answer: “Let there be light.” (Genesis 1:3)
14. Who was the only female judge of Israel in the Old Testament?
Answer: Deborah. (Judges 4)
15. What book in the Bible mentions mowed grass?
Answer: Psalms. (Psalms 72:6)
16. In the Old Testament, what happened to the kids who mocked Elisha’s bald head?
Answer: They were mauled by two female bears. (2 Kings 2:23-24)
17. How tall was the giant, Goliath?
Answer: Nine feet nine inches. (1 Samuel 17:4)
18. What two books of the Bible are named after women?
Answer: Esther and Ruth.
19. How many days after birth was Jesus officially nameless?
Answer: Seven. He was officially named on the eighth day. (Luke 2:21)
20. What person in the Bible was a fast and furious driver?
Answer: Jehu. (2 Kings 9:20)
21. Where was David the first time he saved Saul’s life?
Answer: He was in a cave.
22. Where did David go the second time he saved Saul’s life?
Answer: Saul was sleeping at a campsite.
23. What was the name of Israel’s last judge who died after Saul made a temporary truce with David?
Answer: Samuel.
24. What prophet did Saul request to speak with?
Answer: Samuel.
25. What caused Saul’s death?
Answer: He collapsed on his sword.
26. What became of Bathsheba’s child?
Answer: The child passed away.
27. What name did Bathsheba and David give their second child?
Answer: Solomon.
28. Who was David’s son who revolted against his father?
Answer: Absalom.
29. What was the last plague that forced Pharaoh to finally let the Israelites go?
Answer: Death of the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt.
30. What mountain did God give Moses the law on?
Answer: Mount Sinai.
31. Which of Jacob’s wives did he adore the most?
Answer: Rachel.
32. What did Jesus have to say to the accusers of the adulteress?
Answer: I will not condemn you either; go and sin no more.
33. What happens if we “draw near to God,” according to James?
Answer: God Himself will come to visit you.
34. Pharaoh’s dream of good and bad ears of wheat represented what?
Answer: Seven years of abundance, followed by seven years of famine.
35. Who received the Revelation of Jesus Christ?
Answer: His servant John.
Easy Bible Trivia Questions
You have arrived at the perfect spot if you are searching for easy Bible trivia. Because everyone can provide an instant response, these questions are certain to be entertaining for everyone.
1. What four books tell about Jesus’ life on Earth?
Answer: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
2. Which book did Jesus directly write?
Answer: None.
3. Which book did David write most of?
Answer: Psalms.
4. True or False: The Bible was first written in the English language?
Answer: False.
5. What were men trying to do at the Tower of Babel?
Answer: Build a tower to reach Heaven.
6. How did the 12 brothers get rid of Joseph?
Answer: Sold him to slave traders.
7. What did Joseph’s brothers tell their father had happened to him?
Answer: They said Joseph was killed by a wild animal.
8. Where did the slave traders take Joseph?
Answer: Egypt.
9. Who bought Joseph?
Answer: Potiphar, captain of the Pharaoh’s guards.
10. Who got Joseph thrown into prison by lying about him?
Answer: Potiphar’s wife.
11. Who else was in prison with Joseph?
Answer: The Pharaoh’s cupbearer and chief baker.
12. What did Joseph do for them?
Answer: Interrupted their dreams.
13. Why was Joseph summoned out of prison by the Pharaoh?
Answer: To interrupt his dream.
14. What position of power was Joseph given by the Pharaoh?
Answer: Second in command of Egypt.
15. What catastrophe did Joseph predict by interpreting the Pharaoh’s dream?
Answer: A severe, seven-year famine.
16. Who came to Egypt that Joseph recognized because of the famine?
Answer: His brothers.
17. What did Joseph tell the brothers to do next time they came back to Egypt?
Answer: To bring Benjamin back with them.
18. What was the giant’s name that David killed?
Answer: Goliath.
19. How did David kill Goliath?
Answer: A slingshot and a stone.
20. How many sling-throws did it take David to hit Goliath?
Answer: One.
21. Where was Saul traveling to when he had a divine encounter and was converted?
Answer: Damascus.
22. Who eventually came from the lineage of David?
Answer: Jesus.
23. True or False: Jesus was an only child.
Answer: False. Jesus had brothers and a sister.
24. How many of Jesus’ brothers are named in the Bible?
Answer: Four.
25. Is Jesus’s sister ever named in the Bible?
Answer: No.
26. Who was Jesus’ most famous cousin?
Answer: John the Baptist.
27. Name one of Jesus’s brothers.
Answer: James, Joseph, Simon or Judas
28. What happened when Jesus went into the wilderness?
Answer: He was tempted by Satan.
29. How many people did Jesus feed with fish and bread?
Answer: 5,000.
30. How many lepers did Jesus heal?
Answer: 10.
Hard Bible Trivia Questions
You and the people around you can put your knowledge to the test by answering these hard Bible trivia questions and answers, which will need a lot of deep thought from everyone. These questions could be challenging, but the answers will certainly teach you something new or interesting.
1. When Saul conquered the Amalekites, what person did he keep as a prisoner instead of killing like God said to?
Answer: The king, Agag.
2. Which books of the Bible record all the kings?
Answer: 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles.
3. Which books of the Bible did Solomon write?
Answer: Song of Solomon and Proverbs and some Psalms.
4. How many kings of Judah were there?
Answer: 20.
5. How many kings of Israel were there?
Answer: 19.
6. Who conquered Judah and took Daniel to their country?
Answer: The Babylonians.
7. Who was the last king Daniel served under in the Bible?
Answer: King Nebuchadnezzar’s.
8. What happened to the kingdom after Solomon’s rule?
Answer: Darius.
9. What were Daniel’s three friends (Babylonian names)?
Answer: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego.
10. When they refused to bow to an idol, where were they thrown?
Answer: Into a fiery furnace.
11. Who returned to Israel to build up the walls of Jerusalem?
Answer: Nehemiah.
12. What Israelite saved her people from being murdered and was a wife of the king?
Answer: Esther.
13. How did Esther get to talk to the king?
Answer: Went in to talk without being summoned first.
14. Who let the Israelites return to their homeland?
Answer: Cyrus.
15. True or False: John the Baptist wore clothes made of goat hair.
Answer: False. It was camel hair.
16. True or False: At first, Jesus’ family tried to stop his ministry and said he was crazy.
Answer: True.
17. True or False: Jesus said his true family was anyone who obeys God.
Answer: True.
18. Which member of the Jewish ruling council came to ask Jesus questions at night?
Answer: Nicodemus.
19. What was Matthew before he followed Jesus?
Answer: A tax collector.
20. True or False: Jesus would sometimes “spit” as part of his healing miracles.
Answer: True. The Bible describes him spitting three times.
21. How many words did Moses write in the Bible?
Answer: 125,139 words.
22. Who helped pay the bills for Jesus and the disciples ministry?
Answer: Several women who Jesus had healed.
23. Name the demon Jesus cast out in the region of the Gerasenes?
Answer: Legion.
24. True or False: While on Earth, Jesus had the power to raise dead people back to life?
Answer: True.
25. What was Peter and Andrew doing when Jesus called them to follow him?
Answer: Fishing.
26. Name the two Old Testament people who appeared when Jesus was transfigured?
Answer: Elijah and Moses.
27. What problem did Bartimaeus have that Jesus fixed?
Answer: He was blind.
28. True or False: When Jesus went to the Temple, he always used his inside voice.
Answer: False. Jesus yelled at money chargers to drive them out.
29. True or False: Jesus said only big money offerings were important to God.
Answer: False.
30. What garden did Jesus go to when he prayed after the Last Supper?
Answer: Garden of Gethsemane.
31. True or False: The Jewish leaders tried to set Jesus free.
Answer: False. They wanted him to be crucified.
32. Who gave Jesus a crown made of thorns?
Answer: A Roman soldier.
33. Name the Roman Governor who sat over Jesus trial?
Answer: Pilate.
34. What did Pilate do to “cleanse himself” of the crucifixion?
Answer: Washed his hands.
35. Who cut off a soldier’s ear when Jesus was being arrested?
Answer: Peter.
Difficult Bible Trivia Questions
Memorizing Bible might be challenging for Christians, but playing Bible Trivia is a fun and effective method. Below is a list of difficult Bible questions. How many answers did you already know?
1. What is the 4th petition?
Answer: Give us our daily bread.
2. What is the 5th petition?
Answer: Forgive our debts.
3. What is the 6th petition?
Answer: Don’t lead us into temptation.
4. What is the 7th petition?
Answer: Deliver us from evil.
5. True or False: The more words we say makes our prayers better.
Answer: False. Jesus said God already knows what we need.
6. Which disciple looked after Mary after the death of Jesus?
Answer: John the Evangelist.
7. What was the name of the man who requested Jesus’ body for burial?
Answer: Joseph of Arimathea
8. It is “better to obtain wisdom” than what?
Answer: Gold.
9. What reward did Jesus say the twelve apostles would get for forsaking everything and following him?
Answer: Jesus told them “You will sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”
10. What was the name of the woman who hid the spies at Jericho?
Answer: Rahab.
11. What did Jesus use to feed the 5,000?
Answer: 5 loaves and 2 fish.
12. In which book of the Bible do we find “Nebuchadnezzar’s image”?
Answer: Daniel.
13. Which angel told Daniel the meaning of his vision of the ram and the goat?
Answer: Gabriel.
14. What should we “seek first”?
Answer: The Kingdom of God.
15. Fearing that Saul wanted to kill him, what lie did David ask Jonathan to tell his father if asked why he wasn’t at the king’s table for the New Moon feast?
Answer: David wanted Jonathan to tell him that he had gone to Bethlehem for a family gathering.
16. Of what, specifically, was man not allowed to eat in the Garden of Eden?
Answer: Apples aka the Forbidden Fruit.
17. Which tribe of Israel received no inheritance of land?
Answer: the Levites.
18. Who was king of the southern kingdom when the northern kingdom of Israel fell to Assyria?
Answer: Hezekiah.
19. What was the name of Abraham’s nephew?
Answer: Lot.
20. Which missionary was described as having known the holy scriptures from an early age?
Answer: Timothy.
21. Who escorted the slave with the letter to Philemon?
Answer: Tychicus.
22. Who was the father in law of Caiaphas, the high priest at the time of Jesus death?
Answer: Annas.
23. What happened to King Nebuchadnezzar before being restored as king?
Answer: He went mad and lived as a beast.
24. Who was Paul with when he wrote the letter to Philemon?
Answer: Timothy.
25. When the disciples saw Jesus walking on water, what did they think he was?
Answer: A ghost.
26. Who was to be named Zacharias, after the name of his father, until his mother intervened?
Answer: John.
27. What did the shepherds do after they had visited Jesus?
Answer: Spread the news about Jesus’s birth.
28. What did Melchizedek give to Abram?
Answer: Bread and wine.
29. Who went up yearly to worship God in Shiloh, and one year prayed to God for a baby?
Answer: Hannah.
30. Which two tribes of Israel were not named after sons of Jacob?
Answer: Ephraim and Manasseh.
Hardest Bible Trivia Questions
Bible trivia is so popular because it mixes the elements of fun, competitiveness, collaboration, and fellowship with the overarching objective of encouraging people to grow in their faith. Below is a list of hardest Bible quiz in the world.
1. How many people saw Jesus after he came back from the dead?
Answer: More than 500.
2. What was another name for the Apostle Paul?
Answer: Saul of Tarsus.
3. Who preached at Pentecost?
Answer: Peter.
4. Who was Saul?
Answer: He persecuted Christians.
5. What happened when he was on the road to Damascus?
Answer: He had a changing experience with Jesus.
6. What was his name changed to?
Answer: Paul.
7. Who was exiled to an island?
Answer: John.
8. True or False: Ananias and Sapphira died after lying to the Apostles about their offering.
Answer: True.
9. How many deacons were chosen to help the apostles to distribute food to widows?
Answer: Seven.
10. Which Apostle took the Gospel to the city of Samaria?
Answer: Philip.
12. Which Apostle shared the Gospel with an Ethiopian official on the road to Gaza?
Answer: Philip.
13. True or False: Peter raised a woman named Dorcas from the dead.
Answer: True.
14. Where did Peter stay during his ministry in the city of Joppa?
Answer: In the house of Simon the tanner.
15. What did Peter’s vision about the unclean animals mean?
Answer: That all people can be made clean through Jesus.
16. In what city were Jesus’ followers first called “Christians”?
Answer: Antioch.
17. True or False: Peter was rescued from prison by an angel.
Answer: True.
18. Who went with Paul on his early mission trips?
Answer: Barnabas.
19. True or False: Paul had a vision of a man calling him to come over to Carthage.
Answer: False. The man was from Macedonia.
20. True or False: God sent an earthquake to rescue Paul and Silas from prison in Philippi.
Answer: True. They didn’t escape but stayed in jail to share the good news.
21. What did the Philippian jailer say to Paul after he heard the Gospel?
Answer: “What must I do to be saved?”.
22. How did Paul and Silas respond?
Answer: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
23. What was Paul’s goal in his missionary journey?
Answer: To take the gospel everywhere and finally to preach in the capitol Rome
24. Where can you find the 10 commandments in the Bible?
Answer: Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5.
25. What is the introduction to the Commandments?
Answer: I am the LORD your God who brought you out of Egypt.
26. Where is the Fruit of the Spirit found in the Bible?
Answer: Galatians 5.
27. Which human author wrote Galatians?
Answer: Paul.
28. True or False: Bananas are a Fruit of the Spirit?
Answer: False. Even though bananas can seem like a gift from God, they are not considered a spiritual fruit in Galatians 5.
29. Name any of the 9 Fruits of the Spirit.
Answer: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.
30. True or False: The opposite of the Fruit of the Spirit are called “the works of the flesh.”
Answer: True.
31. Where in the Bible can you find the Lord’s Prayer?
Answer: Matthew 6.
32. Who taught the Lord’s Prayer?
Answer: Jesus.
33. How many requests are in the Lord’s Prayer?
Answer: Seven.
34. What is the 1st petition?
Answer: Hallowed be your name.
35. What is the 2nd petition?
Answer: Your kingdom come.
36. What is the 3rd petition?
Answer: Your will be done on Earth.
Old Testament Bible Trivia Questions
This quiz will test your knowledge of the Old Testament trivia by focusing on significant persons and the roles they played in the history of the Bible.
1. How many books are in the Protestant Old Testament?
Answer: 39.
2. On what day did God create man?
Answer: Sixth day.
3. How many sons did Jacob have?
Answer: 12.
4. This man wrote the first five books of the Old Testament.
Answer: Moses.
5. From what part of Adam’s body did God create Eve?
Answer: Rib.
6. What did David use to defeat Goliath?
Answer: A sling and a stone.
7. Name one of the two birds Noah sent from the Ark.
Answer: A Raven and a dove.
8. What animal tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?
Answer: A serpent.
9. What gave Sampson his strength?
Answer: His hair.
10. God asked Abraham to make a sacrifice to Him on Mount Moriah. What was it?
Answer: His son, Isaac.
11. In what language was the Old Testament written?
Answer: Hebrew.
12. How many people were aboard Noah’s Ark?
Answer: Eight.
13. What sea did Moses part to aid in his people’s escape from the Pharaoh?
Answer: Red Sea
14. Who were Miriam’s brothers?
Answer: Aaron and Moses.
15. At what age did Sarah, the wife of Abraham, die?
Answer: 127.
16. What was The Golden Calf?
Answer: The idol the Israelites worshipped while Moses was away.
17. What did Jacob give Joseph that sparked jealousy from his siblings?
Answer: A coat of many colors.
17. What does the word Israel mean?
Answer: Prevails with God.
18. When Moses went to get the 10 Commandments, what did Aaron do?
Answer: He made a golden calf for the people to worship.
19. What are the four rivers listed as flowing out of Eden?
Answer: Phishon, Gihon, Hiddekel (Tigris) and Phirat (Euphrates).
20. What musical instrument did David play?
Answer: The harp (or lyre).
21. How many days did God take to create the world?
Answer: 6.
22. What day did God create man?
Answer: 6th.
23. Who was the first man?
Answer: Adam.
24. Who was the first woman?
Answer: Eve.
25. What is Garden of Eden?
Answer: Adam and Eve live at the beginning of the world.
26. Who were their three sons listed in the Bible?
Answer: Cain, Abel, Seth.
27. Who did God tell to build an ark?
Answer: Noah.
28. Who were Noah’s three sons?
Answer: Shem, Ham, Japheth.
29. Which Babylonian emperor let the Israelites return to their homeland?
Answer: Emperor Cyrus the Great.
30. In which part of the Bible is the perseverance of Job recorded?
Answer: James 5:10-11.
31. What name was given to the Jewish ruling council that plotted Jesus’ death?
Answer: The Sanhedrin.
32. Who were the human parents of Jesus?
Answer: Joseph and Mary.
33. How did God make them spread out across the earth?
Answer: Confused their languages.
New Testament Bible Trivia Questions
Try your hand at this New Testament trivia to see how well your knowledge of the Bible stacks up after you’ve pushed yourself or others with our selection of Bible trivia questions and answers.
1. In what city was Jesus born?
Answer: Bethlehem.
2. Who brought Jesus gifts when he was born?
Answer: The wise men.
3. What is the eighth commandment?
Answer: Thou shall not steal.
4. Name two out of the nine Fruits of the Spirit.
Answer: Love, Joy.
5. Who is the angel who told Mary she would give birth to Jesus?
Answer: The Angel Gabriel.
6. On which day did Jesus rise from the dead?
Answer: Third day.
7. What was Jesus’ crown made of?
Answer: Thorns.
8. Where does Jesus give his first sermon?
Answer: On the mount.
9. What are the four Gospels in the New Testament?
Answer: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
10. How many days and nights did Jesus fast?
Answer: 40 days.
11. Which woman washed Jesus’ feet?
Answer: Mary Magdalene.
12. What was Jesus’ profession before he started his ministry?
Answer: A carpenter.
13. When exactly did the Jews celebrate Passover?
Answer: 14th-day of the 1st month.
14. Where did Jesus go 40 days after His resurrection?
Answer: Heaven.
15. Who baptized Jesus and in what river?
Answer: John the Baptist in the River Jordan.
16. Name the first two apostles to follow Jesus.
Answer: Peter and Andrew.
17. What was the profession of Simon Peter before following Jesus?
Answer: A fisherman.
18. Where did Jesus turn water into wine?
Answer: Cana.
19. How many days was Lazarus dead before Jesus came to visit?
Answer: Four.
20. In the creation story, when did God create man?
Answer: On the sixth day.
21. After Jesus fed 5,000 people, how many baskets of food were left over?
Answer: 12.
22. What color are the four horses in the Book of Revelation?
Answer: White, Red, Dark and Pale.
21. How old was Jesus when he started his ministry?
Answer: 30.
22. What was engraved in the headband of high priests?
Answer: Holiness to the Lord.
23. How long did Enoch live?
Answer: 430 years.
24. Who is considered the 13th apostle to replace Judas Iscariot?
Answer: Matthias.
25. What unusual gift did King Herod promise his daughter for her birthday?
Answer: The head of John the Baptist.
26. What city mentioned in the Book of Revelation is also the name of an American city?
Answer: Philadelphia.
27. Name the shortest verse in the Bible?
Answer: “Jesus wept.” Gospel of John, chapter 11, verse 35.
28. Did David write the whole book of Psalms?
Answer: No.
29. How did Joseph’s brothers get him out of the way?
Answer: By selling him into slavery.
30. True or False: David wrote the entire book of Psalms.
Answer: False: The Psalms are a collection by many writers, but David contributed the most.
31. What is the shortest book in the Bible?
Answer: 3 John.
32. How many books are in the Bible?
Answer: 66.
33. How many books in the New Testament?
Answer: 27 books in the NT.
Bible Trivia Questions for Kids
Bible knowledge should be ingrained in children at the same level as in adults. The small ones will get some new facts from this children’s trivia, and it will also give them something fascinating to ponder. Make use of these Bible trivia questions and answers for kids.
1. Which New Testament (NT) book has Jesus’ sermon on the mount?
Answer: Matthew.
2. True or false: the bible was originally written in English?
Answer: false
3. What condition did god give Moses before he could approach the burning bush?
Answer: take off his sandals.
4. In what language was most of the New Testament written?
Answer: Greek.
5. Who wrote the most number of books in the bible?
Answer: Paul – he wrote 13 books.
6. Who wrote the most number of words in the bible?
Answer: Moses – he wrote 125,139 words.
7. What was most likely the first gospel written?
Answer: mark.
8. What was most likely the last gospel written?
Answer: john.
9. What was most likely the last New Testament book written?
Answer: the book of revelation.
10. True or false: the bible is the most unpopular book ever written.
Answer: False.
11. How many people did noah’s ark carry?
Answer: eight
12. What was the name of moses’ wife?
Answer: Zippora.
13. Which four books of the bible tell about Jesus’ life on earth?
Answer: Matthew, mark, luke, and john.
14. What kind of job did Matthew do before he followed Jesus?
Answer: a tax collector.
15. What are the four synoptic gospels in the new testament?
Answer: Matthew, mark, luke, and john.
16. Who came to jesus at night?
Answer: Nicodemus.
17. What was Bartimaeus’ challenge?
Answer: he was blind.
18. What did Zacchaeus promise to give to the poor in reparation for his sins?
Answer: half of his wealth.
19. Who was killed first between Jesus and john the Baptist?
Answer: john the Baptist.
20. How many books does the new testament have?
Answer: 27.
21. Where in the bible is the fruit of the holy spirit mentioned?
Answer: Galatians 5, verses 22 and 23
22. Who wrote the galatians?
Answer: Paul.
23. What mission were the men at the tower of babel trying to achieve?
Answer: build a tower so tall it could touch heaven.
24. Name the nine fruits of the spirit.
Answer: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
25. True or false: the opposite of the fruit of the spirit is called “the works of the flesh.”
Answer: true.
26. How did god scatter people across the earth?
Answer: god confused their languages.
27. Who did God call out of Ur to move to Canaan?
Answer: Abram (Abraham).
28. What is the fourth commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Answer: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
29. Which commandment says honor your father and mother?
Answer: the 5th commandment.
30. When god showed Abraham the stars in the sky, what did he promise?
Answer: that Abraham would have as many descendants as the number of stars.
31. Who was Abraham’s second wife?
Answer: Hagar.
32. What was Sarah’s idea for Abraham to have a child?
Answer: For Abraham to have a child with Hagar.
33. Who was the first son of Abraham?
Answer: Ishmael.
34. Who was the second son of Abraham?
Answer: Isaac.
Bible Trivia Questions for Teens
These Bible trivia questions for teens will test your knowledge of the holy book. If you are a Christian teenager, it is assumed that you are acquainted with many of the facts included in the Bible.
1. Who was the judge who defeated the midianites with only 300 men?
Answer: Gideon.
2. How does Judas notify the Roman Officials of Jesus’ identity?
Answer: Judas kisses Jesus.
3. With what did Samson kill 1,000 philistines?
Answer: a donkey’s jawbone
4. Which philistine woman asked Samson where his power came from?
Answer: Delilah
5. How did Samson die?
Answer: he brought down the temple, killing himself and many philistines.
6. What did David work as for his father?
Answer: a shepherd.
7. Who is the high priest of Jerusalem that put Jesus on trial?
Answer: Caiaphas.
8. When David wanted to fight goliath, what did Saul try to give him?
Answer: his armor.
9. What did David take from the brook to fight goliath?
Answer: five stones.
10. What did Jacob change his name to?
Answer: Israel.
11. Name Saul’s son who was a friend of David?
Answer: Jonathan.
12. What did Saul throw to try to kill David?
Answer: a spear.
13. What did Jonathan do to save David’s life from Saul?
Answer: warned him that Saul was making a second attempt to kill him.
14. What foreign country did David run away to?
Answer: land of the philistines/Philistia.
15. Did Saul give up chasing David when David went into the wilderness?
Answer: no.
16. How did jezebel die?
Answer: she was thrown out of a window.
17. Who anointed Saul as king?
Answer: Samuel.
18. Who stole the Ark of the Covenant?
Answer: the philistines.
19. What happened to the idol that was beside the ark in the enemy’s temple?
Answer: the idol fell over and broke.
20. When the people demanded Saul make a sacrifice to god that only priests were allowed to make, what did he do?
Answer: he made the sacrifice anyway.
21. What names are given to the first and last books in the bible?
Answer: genesis and revelation
22. Which Gospel mostly speaks on the mystery and identity of the person of Jesus?
Answer: The Gospel According to John.
23. What was Saul’s punishment for disobeying god?
Answer: god took his kingdom away.
24. Name the king of Israel anointed by Samuel after Saul.
Answer: David.
25. Where did David spare Saul’s life the first time?
Answer: in a cave.
26. Where did David spare Saul’s life the second time?
Answer: in the camp where Saul was sleeping.
27. What gifts did Jonathan give to David as a sign of his friendship?
Answer: his own fighting gear, including his bow.
28. Who did Saul turn to for advice after the death of Samuel?
Answer: the witch of Endor.
29. How did Saul die?
Answer: he took his own sword and fell on it.
30. How many of Saul’s sons died in the same battle?
Answer: all three sons.
31. Did all of Israel immediately consider David their king?
Answer: no.
32. Who was the captain of David’s army?
Answer: Joab.
33. What is the first commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Answer: “You shall have no other gods before me.”
34. Who wrote most of the psalms in the bible?
Answer: David.
Bible Trivia Questions for Youth
Taking part in a question and answer session based on the Bible teaches us valuable life values such as persistence, responsibility, faithfulness, and collaboration. Below you will find Bible quiz for youth.
1. In 1 Corinthians, which is the greatest of the imperishable qualities?
Answer: Love.
2. How many divisions and sections does the bible have?
Answer: 2 and 8.
3. How many times did David spare Saul’s life?
Answer: Twice.
4. Which biblical narrative is connected to Palm Sunday?
Answer: Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem before his death.
5. Which Gospel is written by a doctor?
Answer: Luke.
6. What last judge of Israel died after Saul made a temporary peace with David?
Answer: Samuel.
7. What kind of spirit possessed the girl in Philippi?
Answer: Python spirit.
8. What is the name of the village where Christ turned water into wine?
Answer: Cana of Galilee.
9. How many of his sons died in battle?
Answer: All of them.
10. What did God divide when He created Earth?
Answer: The light from the darkness.
11. When David stayed in Jerusalem, what woman did he see and commit adultery with?
Answer: Bathsheba.
12. Who was Bathsheba’s husband?
Answer: Uriah.
13. When Bathsheba got pregnant, what did David make happen to Uriah?
Answer: Have him killed in battle.
14. What prophet came to rebuke David?
Answer: Nathan.
15. What happened to Bathsheba’s child?
Answer: The child died.
16. How long did it take Paul to move back to Jerusalem?
Answer: Fourteen years.
17. How many Psalms are in the Bible
Answer: 150.
18. What capital city did David abandon?
Answer: Jerusalem.
19. When David and Absalom’s armies battled, what happened to Absalom’s hair?
Answer: It got caught in a tree.
20. Who killed Absalom?
Answer: Joab.
21. Because he killed Absalom, what was Joab’s punishment?
Answer: He got demoted as captain.
22. What was David’s second sin recorded in the Bible?
Answer: He took a census of the people in his nation.
23. Which books of the Bible record David’s time as king?
Answer: 1st and 2nd Samuel
24. During his time as king, who was David’s main enemy?
Answer: Philistines.
25. What trait did Solomon pray for from God when he became king?
Answer: Wisdom.
26. What did Solomon build for the Lord?
Answer: A temple.
27. What famous queen came to visit Solomon?
Answer: Queen of Sheba.
28. How many wives did Solomon have?
Answer: 700.
29. Did Solomon always follow the Lord?
Answer: No. He turned away from God.
30. Who convinced Solomon to turn from God?
Answer: His wives.
31. Who cleaned Jesus’ feet with her hair in Luke?
Answer: Mary – Lazarus’s sister
Bible Trivia Questions for Adults
The next round of Bible quiz questions and answers for adults, we have always known the answers to but might benefit from a review. Older people will get greater enjoyment out of these questions.
1. Where did Jesus walk on water?
Answer: The Sea of Galilee.
2. Which verse is the shortest in the Bible?
Answer: John 11:35 – Jesus wept.
3. What are the original languages the Bible was written in?
Answer: Hebrew and Greek.
4. Who did Peter address his first letter to?
Answer: The “elect resident aliens.”
5. True or false – did Jesus chase children away when he preached?
Answer: False.
6. Which New Testament book has Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount?
Answer: Matthew
7. Who was David’s son that became king?
Answer: Solomon.
8. When did Jesus die?
Answer: At the age of 33.
9. Who denied Jesus 3 times?
Answer: Peter
10. What were the names of Noah’s sons?
Answer: Shem, Ham, Japheth.
11. Which human author wrote the most words in the Bible?
Answer: Moses wrote 125,139 words.
12. What is the 1st commandment?
Answer: You shall have no other gods before me.
13. What is the longest book in the Bible?
Answer: Psalm.
14. What was most likely the first of Paul’s letters written?
Answer: 1 Thessalonians.
15. How did Esau provide food for the family?
Answer: He hunted.
16. What are the first five books in the Bible called?
Answer: Pentateuch.
17. How many people were saved on the ark?
Answer: 8.
18. Who did Abraham have his first child with?
Answer: Hagar.
19. How many days did Jesus stay in the grave before he arose?
Answer: Three days.
20. Who was Abram’s wife?
Answer: Sarai.
21. Even though Abram and Sarah were too old, what did God promise them?
Answer: A son.
22. When God showed Abram the stars in the sky, what did he promise?
Answer: That Abram would have more descendants than the number of stars.
23. Who was Abram’s handmaid?
Answer: Hagar.
24. What was Sarai’s idea for Abram to have a child?
Answer: For Abram to have a child with Hagar.
25. hat animal did the staff of Moses turn into when he went to confront Pharaoh to let the Israelites go?
Answer: Snake.
26. What was Abram’s name changed to?
Answer: Abraham.
27. What was Sarai’s name changed to?
Answer: Sarah.
28. What was the second son Abraham had?
Answer: Issac.
29. Who did Abraham have his second son with?
Answer: Sarah.
30. Where did Hagar and her son go after they left Abraham’s?
Answer: Into the desert.
31. Who did Abraham send to find Isaac a wife?
Answer: His oldest servant.
32. Who did the servant choose?
Answer: Rebekah.
33. What were Isaac’s sons’ names?
Answer: Jacob and Esau.
34. Who was born first?
Answer: Esau came first, with Jacob grabbing his heel.
Bible Trivia Questions and Answers
Through participation in bible trivia games, one develops an appreciation for the significance of cooperation and an understanding of its basics. Check below Bible trivia questions and answers.
1. Who did Isaac favor of his two sons?
Answer: Esau.
2. What did Jacob do most of the time?
Answer: Stay at home with his mother.
3. What did Esau receive in exchange for his birthright?
Answer: Stew.
4. As Isaac was dying and blind, who suggested that Jacob should steal Esau’s birthright?
Answer: Rebekah.
5. How did Esau respond when his birthright was taken?
Answer: Threatened to kill Jacob.
6. When Jacob met Laban, which daughter did he want to marry?
Answer: Rachel.
7. Who did Laban trick Jacob into marrying?
Answer: Leah.
8. What did Laban make Jacob do to finally marry Rachel?
Answer: Work another 7 years.
9. Who was the first son Jacob had with Rachel?
Answer: Joseph.
10. What did God change Jacob’s name to before his meeting with Esau?
Answer: Israel.
11. What did Moses do after he killed an Egyptian?
Answer: Fled into the desert.
12. When Moses confronted the Pharaoh, what did his staff turn into when he threw it on the ground?
Answer: A snake.
13. How did Moses’ mother save him from the Egyptian soldiers?
Answer: Put him in a basket in the river.
14. What did God send to feed the Israelites in the desert?
Answer: Quail and manna.
15. What did the spies sent into Canaan see that made them scared?
Answer: Giants in the land.
16. Who were the only two Israelites allowed to go into the Promised Land after many years?
Answer: Joshua and Caleb
17. What city did God make the walls fall so Joshua and the Israelites could conquer it?
Answer: Jericho.
18. After they took over the Promised Land and Joshua died, who ruled Israel?
Answer: Judges.
19. Where did the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal take place?
Answer: Mount Carmel.
20. What was Simon Peter’s profession before becoming an apostle?
Answer: Fisherman.
21. Who was the judge who took a Nazarite vow from birth and fought against the Philistines?
Answer: Samson.
22. Which insect did John the Baptist eat in the desert?
Answer: Locusts.
23. Who recognized Jesus as the Messiah when he was presented to the Temple as a baby?
Answer: Simeon
24. Who warned Paul about the plot to kill him?
Answer: His nephew.
25. Who was the enemy who took the Ark of the Covenant?
Answer: Philistines.
26. What happened to the idol which was beside the Ark in the enemy’s temple?
Answer: It fell over and broke.
27. When the people demanded Saul make a sacrifice to God, what did he do?
Answer: Made the sacrifice.
28. What was Saul’s punishment for disobeying?
Answer: God took away his kingdom.
29. Who was the king of Israel anointed by Samuel after Saul?
Answer: David.
30. What did David do as a job as he worked for his father?
Answer: He was a shepherd.
31. When the Philistines came to attack the Israelites, who mocked God and challenged them?
Answer: Goliath the Giant.
32. According to the Gospel of Matthew, where does Jesus give his first public sermon?
Answer: On the mount.
33. Paul says Christians should follow whose example? (Ephesians 5)
Answer: Christ’s example.
34. What did Saul encounter when he was traveling to Damascus?
Answer: A great and blinding light.
5 Benefits of Playing Bible Trivia Game
A good method for encouraging Christians to participate in personal Bible study is to use Bible trivia questions.
They may utilize them to acquire significant lessons about the character and values of a godly man, remember lengthy parts of Scripture, and build social relations with other people who share their views. Participants gain self-control, tenacity, and the ability to collaborate by participating in regular study sessions.
Increase knowledge
Your failure to correctly answer a question based on the Bible will inspire you to look for the answer in the Bible. Your familiarity with the Bible will grow in proportion to the frequency you study it.
Makes studying easier
If you feel that studying the Bible is dull for you, then it is recommended that you participate in a significant number of Bible quizzes. Taking Bible questions is not only a fun way to begin studying the Bible but also an excellent method to get started.
Make new friends
Participating in the Bible quiz questions and answers team at your church, as most churches do, will enable you to cultivate friendships with the other members of your team and teach you to appreciate working together as part of a team.
Establish effective patterns of studying
Continuously engaging in the playing of Bible quiz with answers can assist in developing reading abilities. You will become dependent on the Bible if you constantly read it to find solutions to your questions. Reading will become more of a habit for you as a result of this.
Develop a relationship with the God
One of the ways to develop a connection with God is to spend time reading the words of God. Participating in Bible quizzes on a consistent basis can assist you in developing a healthy relationship with God.
Final Thoughts on Bible Quiz Questions
Tales from the Bible are well-liked, which is why we won’t be astonished if you understand the Bible well. But how knowledgeable are you when it comes to Bible trivia questions?
These Bible trivia questions are great questions to ask if you want to start the conversation with someone you just met since they are questions about something that both of you have in common.
Now, we know that not everyone was brought up with the Bible quiz questions, but the questions intended to break the ice will provide others with an understanding of what was included in the Bible. Anyone can appreciate them, and doing so will help them get a deeper comprehension of the Bible and the Christian and Catholic religions.
These Bible trivia questions and answers will also be helpful to anybody, regardless of their race or location in the globe, who is interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the Bible and wants to do so.
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