Home » 434 Deep Would You Rather Questions to Uplift Your Conversation

434 Deep Would You Rather Questions to Uplift Your Conversation

If you want to uplift your conversation, asking deep would you rather questions is important because you will need to comprehend not only yourself but also your loved ones and new acquaintances on a deep level.

I’ve compiled these great would you rather game questions for you in case you’re unable to think of enough questions to play on your own to keep the game going.

I’ll show you how you can unpack, unfold, and understand deep questions to reveal a wide range of valuable information about your interviewee. 

Be sure that you are not simply equipped with questions to ask, but also that you can listen deeply with undivided attention to the answers.

Let’s cut the crap and ask deep would you rather questions!

Best Deep Would You Rather Questions

Playing this game can serve as an interpersonal meditation. Don’t forget everything about the person you share with and who shares with you. Here is the list of best deep would you rather questions!

1. Would you rather find your true love in life or land your dream job?

2. Would you rather marry the smartest person on the planet or marry the hottest person you have ever seen?

3. Would you rather like to know when your life is going to end or how you are going to die?

4. Would you rather like to live in a world that didn’t have music or a world that didn’t have television?

5. Would you rather date the hottest person in the world but not be able to have s#x with them or date an ugly person that you can have s#x with?

6. Would you rather give up your salary for the next five years or give up everything you have in the bank right now?

7. Would you rather have the power to travel back in time or forward in time?

8. Would you rather lose all your teeth or lose a day of your life every time you kissed someone?

9. Would you rather have s#x with your cousin in secret or not have s#x with your cousin but everyone thinks you did?

10. Would you rather want to have the ability to walk on water or bend time and space?

11. Would you rather wake up in the middle of a good dream every time and not be able to fall back to sleep or never be able to wake yourself up from a nightmare?

12. Would you rather give up cursing forever or give up ice cream for 10 years?

13. Would you rather have the power to make two people fall in love with each other or have the power to read people’s minds?

14. Would you rather if you were stranded on an island with no food with you dog and your sibling, would you kill your dog to feed your sibling or let your sibling die of hunger?

15. Would you rather always have tangled hair or always have wet underarms?

16. Would you rather be able to change one event in your past or have a literal get out of jail free pass?

17. Would you rather be able to dance the Tango or the Waltz?

18. Would you rather be forced to forget who you are every time it rains or never be able to remember why you walked into a store, office, or room?

19. Would you rather get a pimple the night before important dates or get sick every time after an important date is over?

20. Would you rather lose all of your friends but win the lottery or keep your friends but you don’t get a raise for the rest of your life?

21. Would you rather learn every language on Earth or know how to talk to animals?

22. Would you rather be forced to dress in lime green every day for the rest of your life or hot pink every day for the rest of your life?

23. Would you rather be the fastest person on Earth or the strongest person on Earth?

24. Would you rather be forced to marry someone you don’t love and someone who doesn’t love you?

25. Would you rather go blind but always have beautiful hair or go bald and retain your vision?

Funny Deep Would You Rather Questions

You can enjoy your inquiries by looking at our list of funny would you rather questions. Below is the list of deep but funny would you rather questions that will help you to learn more about the next person!

1. Would you rather live the rest of your days dealing with silent gas that you couldn’t control or loud sneezing that you couldn’t stop?

2. Would you rather always have bad gas or always have really dry mouth?

3. Would you rather live in a country with a low cost of living but horrible weather or live in a country with a high cost of living and amazing weather?

4. Would you rather be a high school teacher or a clown?

5. Would you rather be able to shrink down to the size of an ant or grow to the size of a skyscraper?

6. Would you rather have all of your shirts be two sizes too big or a single size too small?

7. Would you rather have a time machine or a teleporter?

8. Would you rather listen to an annoying laugh for a whole day or get tickled for one hour?

9. Would you rather have to always hop around on one foot or have to always squat?

10. Would you rather be forced to wear sweatpants every day for the rest of your life or never be allowed to wear sweatpants ever again?

11. Would you rather have to write everything you say out by hand or only be able to speak in rhymes?

12. Would you rather lose the ability to cry or cry every day for 20 minutes randomly?

13. Would you rather have an itch that you physically cannot reach or have a song that is stuck in your head that you cannot get out?

14. Would you rather be able to control animals or be able to see into the future?

15. Would you rather be famous on the internet or in real life?

16. Would you rather be forced to speak in a way that only involves rhyming or speak in a way that uses constant alliteration?

17. Would you rather be physically stronger than most people or be able to fly?

18. Would you rather be reincarnated as a sea creature or an airborne creature?

19. Would you rather be trapped in a room with 1 million tarantulas for ten minutes or be forced to eat ten tarantulas in ten minutes?

20. Would you rather have your books read by a few hundred people or a few million people?

21. Would you rather live in reality for the rest of your life or be in the matrix for the rest of your life?

22. Would you rather be forced to never wear makeup again in your life or be forced to never leave the house again without a complete face full of makeup from a children’s set?

23. Would you rather be trapped in a romantic comedy with your enemies or trapped a a horror movie with your friends?

24. Would you rather go one month with only a tank top on or go one month with only a thong on?

25. Would you rather have a huge booger hanging out of your nose for the rest of your life or a pimple on your forehead for the rest of your life?

26. Would you rather solve the biggest problems facing humanity but live and die alone — or live a hidden life with a deeply satisfying love relationship and meaningful work?

27. Would you rather lose your looks in a disfiguring accident or suffer brain damage that alters your personality?

28. Would you rather have hair that looks great all the time or look as though you’re wearing perfectly-applied make-up even when you’re not wearing any?

Hard Deep Would You Rather Questions

It is not always easy to answer all questions. The key to emotional growth is to dare to express the things we are afraid to talk about. Let’s ask deep yet hard would you rather questions!

1. Would you rather be forced to work for a boss you hate but be paid as much as you want or be forced to work for a boss you love for minimum wage?

2. Would you rather save 3 of your closest family members or 1,000 people you don’t know?

3. Would you rather have a lot of mediocre friends or only one really good friend?

4. Would you rather give up social media or eat the same dinner for the rest of your life?

5. Would you rather smack a puppy or get smacked by your dad in public?

6. Would you rather lose all of the money you’ve earned this year or lose all of the memories you’ve gained this year?

7. Would you rather get your paycheck doled out in pennies every day or never have the ability to buy something with cash ever again?

8. Would you rather flip a coin for a chance to win $20 or immediately win $10?

9. Would you rather have thought bubbles appear over your head for everyone to see or for everyone you know to have access to your search history?

10. Would you rather be 4 years old your entire life or be 90 years old your entire life?

11. Would you rather always hit a red light for the rest of your life or always get slow internet after the sun goes down?

12. Would you rather lose the ability to sing completely or be forced to break out into an uncontrollable dance every time someone so much as hums?

13. Would you rather be the person who flips the switch during executions or be the judge who decides who should be executed?

14. Would you rather go blind or deaf?

15. Would you rather be able to read someone’s mind or control their mind?

16. Would you rather be married to someone good-looking who doesn’t think you’re attractive or be married to someone ugly who thinks you’re gorgeous?

17. Would you rather be forced to keep the same job for the rest of your life or have to change jobs regularly every year or two?

18. Would you rather win $25,000 or have your best friend win $100,000?

19. Would you rather forget your favorite books so you can reread them again for the first time or forget your favorite movies so you can rewatch them for the first time?

20. Would you rather work a high-paying job that you hate or your dream job with only enough money for basic necessities?

21. Would you rather be able to change the future or the past, just by imagining it?

22. Would you rather only be able to wash your hair twice a year or only be able to check your phone once a day?

23. Would you rather have every movie spoiled for you before you have had a chance to see it or be forced to wait at least a year to watch a new movie every time it comes out?

24. Would you rather eat a live worm or be locked in a room with a tarantula for an hour (but not know where the tarantula is)?

Thought-Provoking Deep Would You Rather Questions

As soon as all the inane chit-chat is done, I could move on to some thought-provoking questions. Take a closer look at the following list of deep thought-provoking would you rather questions!

1. Would you rather know everything about the deepest parts of the ocean or know everything about the outer reaches of space?

2. Would you rather be able to stop time at will or age at half the normal human rate?

3. Would you rather make money off inventing a miracle drug that saves lives, or give it away for free?

4. Would you rather be a villain who is known by everyone or be a superhero that nobody knows?

5. Would you rather say I love you to end every conversation or never again?

6. Would you rather win the lottery but be forced to spend it in a day or have your salary tripled for the rest of your life?

7. Would you rather be a highly paid professional athlete or serve as the president of a prestigious university?

8. Would you rather be stuck in a cage with a lion or be hung off of a 300ft tall building?

9. Would you rather have a GPS with a horrid signal or be forced to use physical maps?

10. Would you rather discover something evil and prevent it or discover something great and spread it?

11. If you could change worlds, would you rather have a world with magic in it or a world with no value for money?

12. Would you rather have the power to make people fall in love with you or have the power to make people work on your behalf?

13. Would you rather have ears that record all sounds or eyes that record all vision?

14. Would you rather hear the good news or bad news first?

15. Would you rather be your own boss or work from someone else?

16. Would you rather be able to forget your own memories or be able to make others forget theirs?

17. Would you rather have a photographic memory or gain an extra 40 iq points?

18. Would you rather watch the big game at home or live at the stadium?

19. Would you rather have to sew all your clothes or grow your own food?

20. Would you rather have 50 million dollars or 50 guaranteed healthy youthful looking years added to your life?

21. Would you rather meet George Washington or the current president?

22. Would you rather Oversleep every day for a week or not get any sleep at all for four days?

23. Would you rather read an awesome book or watch a good movie?

24. Would you rather have infinite money or unending love?

25. Would you rather lose your vision or your hearing?

26. Would you rather be decent in everything or extremely talented in one thing?

27. Would you rather be a kid your whole life or an adult your whole life?

28. Would you rather have indestructible will power or be unquestionably lucky?

29. Would you rather deep-sea diving or bumpee jumping?

30. Would you rather make a phone call or send a text?

Philosophical Deep Would You Rather Questions

Philosophy questions about life can provide an opportunity to explore the depths of the mind. Let’s try these deep philosophical would you rather questions to explore your best friend’s mind!

1. Would you rather be able to change people’s hearts or change people’s minds?

2. Would you rather have a car that could fly or the fastest internet ever?

3. Would you rather spend a year at a war or a year in prison?

4. Would you rather live in a treehouse or a cave?

5. Would you rather have people think you’re a dog or have a dog that could actually talk?

6. Would you rather wake up and find yourself in the middle of a desert or wake up and find yourself in a rowboat in the middle of the ocean?

7. Would you rather eat your nail clippings or hair trimmings?

8. Would you rather move to a new city every, or move to a new country for the rest of your life?

9. Would you rather have supersensitive taste buds or supersensitive hearing?

10. Would you rather be the star of a sitcom that gets canceled after the first season or a radio DJ who is mildly successful?

11. Would you rather be the greatest music composer in the world and have no one listen to your music, or be a super famous musician but be unable to perform any of your music?

12. Would you rather get attacked by a goose and possibly die or get attacked by a shark and live for sure?

13. Would you rather be a world-famous singer or a world-famous dancer?

14. Would you rather be the best President ever or the best athlete who ever lived?

15. Would you rather spend 2 months in a mental asylum or 2 months in jail with dangerous criminals?

16. Would you rather hear people’s thoughts or control people’s minds?

17. Would you rather be raised by monkeys or by wolves?

18. Would you rather have the hands of a baby or the neck of a giraffe?

19. Would you rather be able to see noises or hear colors?

20. Would you rather be a genius and know everything or be amazing at any activity you tried?

21. Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?

22. Would you rather tell when someone is lying forever or be able to lie without anyone figuring it out?

23. Would you rather be able to control water or fire?

24. Would you rather kill a cow or butcher it afterwards?

25. Would you rather never have to wait in traffic again for the rest of your life or never get a headache again for the rest of your life?

Clean Deep Would You Rather Questions

Have you ever wondered if your friends are really into things or just plain airheads? Simply ask them these clean deep would you rather questions that can test their morals of life and you’ll see just how shallow they are!

1. Would you rather share your house with a family of rodents or be forced to live every day with your parents for the rest of your life?

2. Would you rather be forced to wash your hair every day with dish detergent or be forced to wash all of your dishes using shampoo and conditioner?

3. Would you rather be forced to always walk with rocks in your shoes or always walk with mud in your shoes and socks?

4. Would you rather always leave with shoes that don’t match or earrings that don’t match?

5. Would you rather always be able to know what time it is or always have the exact change that you need to make a purchase?

6. Would you rather be able to see other people’s futures or your own?

7. Would you rather only be able to drink water or never be able to eat cookies?

8. Would you rather be forced to sleepwalk or sleep talk?

9. Would you rather have feet for hands or hands for feet?

10. Would you rather have a unibrow or a completely full back that is covered in hair?

11. Would you rather be unable to remember someone’s name every time or face every time?

12. Would you rather be forced to eat a side of cat food with every meal or a side of dog treats with every dish?

13. Would you rather blend into the background at all times or be the center of attention at all times?

14. Would you rather be forced to pay twice as much for a plane ticket or be unable to fly ever again?

15. Would you rather be a transcendent painter who moves hearts or a famous scientist who discovers secrets?

16. Would you rather be able to fly or travel in time?

17. Would you rather have thumbs for your toes or pinky toes for your fingers?

18. Would you rather be forced to swim across a river to get to work every day or climb a mountain to get to work every day?

19. Would you rather have the power to walk through walls or x-ray vision?

20. Would you rather have an endless amount of energy or money?

21. Would you rather go to the deepest parts of the ocean or the outer reaches of space?

22. Would you rather have internet that is really snow or a phone signal that is really bad?

23. Would you rather spend all of your weekends inside or outside?

24. Would you rather always say what you are thinking or never speak again?

25. Would you rather visit Mars or the Moon?

Dirty Would You Rather Questions

Would You Rather questions are a great way to find out the weird kinks of your partner or friends. This list of dirty deep would you rather questions will challenge your morals and relationships with all things sexy and weird!

1. Would you rather give or receive?

2. Would you rather be submissive or dominating?

3. Would you rather have average s#x every day for the rest of your life or great s#x once a year for the rest of your life?

4. Would you rather have s#x with a new person every year or one person for the rest of your life?

5. Would you rather have a thumb for a tongue or a tongue for a thumb?

6. Would you rather drink a glass of vomit once or burp every time someone says your name?

7. Would you rather see your parents have s#x or have your parents watch you have s#x?

8. Would you rather live in a house with 50 mice or 5 snakes?

9. Would you rather your neighbours see your genitals or accidentally send a s#xy text message to a relative?

10. Would you rather have a threesome with two strangers or have s#x with any one of your choices?

11. Would you rather always have s#x in the dark or never be able to have s#x in the dark again?

12. Would you rather spank or be spanked?

13. Would you rather cheat on your partner and be caught or be cheated on and never be told?

14. Would you rather have an orgy with complete strangers or have to have s#x with all your exes?

15. Would you rather like your best friend’s foot or have a stranger lick your foot?

16. Would you rather eat a chocolate bar that tastes like mould or a lump of mould that tastes like chocolate?

17. Would you rather lose your s#xual organs or gain 80 pounds in weight (that you can’t lose)!

18. Would you rather smell something bad that nobody else smells or always stink and not know why?

19. Would you rather give up s#x or give up food?

20. Would you rather have kinky s#x involving melted chocolate or whipped cream?

21. Would you rather get slapped in the face every time you thought about s#x or sneeze continuously while having s#x?

22. Would you rather only have s#x in bed for the rest of your life or never be able to have s#x in a bed again?

23. Would you rather make out with your biggest crush for ten seconds or your sibling’s best friend for ten minutes?

24. Would you rather smell like body odour for a year or have terrible acne for 6 months?

25. Would you rather that your flat mates heard you every time you had s#x or be silent while having s#x forever?

26. Would you rather have really adventurous s#x or romantic s#x for the rest of your life?

27. Would you rather be partnered with someone who has a low s#x drive or someone who has a s#x addiction?

28. Would you rather have your s#xual partner dirty talk or be completely silent during s#x?

29. Would you rather have to announce whenever you’re feeling horny or never be able to tell your partner your horny again?

30. Would you rather receive an erotic letter or send a dirty text message?

31. Would you rather sleep with your number one celebrity crush or receive £1,000?

32. Would you rather masturbate every day for the rest of your life or never be able to masturbate again?

33. Would you rather get a urinary tract infection each time you have s#x or never be able to ‘finish’?

34. Would you rather never have oral s#x again, or only have oral s#x forever?

35. Would you rather catch your housemate masturbating or have your parents catch you masturbating?

36. Would you rather have one partner or multiple partners?

37. Would you rather swallow or spit?

Personal Deep Would You Rather Questions

You can ask personal questions when you have a trusting relationship with someone. But are you wondering about what type of questions you can ask? Have a look at the deep would you rather questions!

1. Would you rather be remembered for the wrong reason or completely forgotten?

2. Would you rather be an only child or have ten siblings?

3. Would you rather hunt and butcher your own meat or never eat meat again?

4. Would you rather eat out by yourself or eat at home with your family?

5. Would you rather be gassy on a first date or your wedding night?

6. Would you rather have nosy parents or strict parents?

7. Would you rather have a successful podcast or a successful YouTube channel?

8. Would you rather solve world hunger or global warming?

9. Would you rather watch a movie with no snacks or drink or have whatever you want but the movie volume is always just a little too quiet or a little too loud?

10. Would you rather walk in on your parents or have them walk in on you?

11. Would you rather sneak out of the house or miss a party that the most popular person in school invited you to?

12. Would you rather always live 10 miles from where you were born or never be able to settle down in one place for more than a year?

13. Would you rather stay the age you are physically forever or stay the way you are now financially forever?

14. Would you rather ask your ex or a total stranger for a favor?

15. Would you rather be a successful artist or a successful business owner?

16. Would you rather know for certain what happens when we die but not be able to tell others or only be able to guess what happens just like everyone else?

17. Would you rather run at 100 mph or fly at 20 mph?

18. Would you rather eat only pizza for a year or not eat any pizza for five years?

19. Would you rather spend a year on Mars by yourself or party on a remote island with your friends?

20. Would you rather see lady Gaga in a movie or see Bradley Cooper in concert?

21. Would you rather have a south-parked themed wedding or a family guy-themed funeral?

22. Would you rather climb the highest mountains or swim the deepest seas?

23. Would you rather become an adult overnight or stay a teenager forever?

24. Would you rather be able to slow down time by 10% or jump three times as high as you can now?

25. Would you rather be born again in the same country or a different one of your choosing?

26. Would you rather speak to animals or speak 10 foreign languages?

27. Would you rather give up using a phone or tablet forever or give up having any salt in food?

28. Would you rather lose your passport or smartphone?

29. Would you rather get a post card every day from a stranger in a different country or a 10-minute call with anyone in the world you choose once a year?

30. Would you rather have to listen to only Justin Bieber or only Ariana Grande for the rest of your life?

Deep Would You Rather Questions for Couples

If you’re in a relationship or not, buckle up because the answers to these would you rather questions for couples might surprise you. Take a closer look at the following list!

1. Would you rather your partner outlives you or you outlive your partner?

2. Would you rather be with your partner 24/7, never leaving his/her side, or be in a long-distance relationship?

3. Would you rather cuddle all day, but not be able to sleep next to each other at night, or sleep in the same bed, but not be able to cuddle during the day?

4. Would you rather be failures together or become successful apart?

5. Would you rather receive a gift from your partner every week, or go out for dinner with your partner every week?

6. Would you rather have a partner that’s very possessive and clingy, or have a partner that’s very negligent?

7. Would you rather be with someone famous or rich?

8. Would you rather forget your partner’s birthday every year, or forget your house key each time you go out?

9. Would you rather know every single secret your partner has, or read every single text he/she gets?

10. Would you rather have your partner forget the day you met, or forget your birthday?

11. Would you rather have a partner that’s very ambitious or a partner that’s very funny?

12. Would you rather move with your partner somewhere you have never been, and get the chance to be very successful, or stay in the same situation you’re in?

13. Would you rather live ten years longer with regrets or die ten years early with no regrets?

14. Would you rather have kids with your partner at 17, or at 45?

15. Would you rather watch an emotional movie with your partner or a horror movie?

16. Would you rather be in a bad relationship or alone for the rest of your life?

17. Would you rather see your partner once a week, while he/she is in a very bad mood, or see him every month when he/she is at his/her best?

18. Would you rather never hold your partner’s hand again, or never hug him/her again?

19. Would you rather spend Christmas with your partner, but not spend Valentine’s Day with him/her, or spend Valentine’s Day with your partner, but not Christmas?

20. Would you rather argue all night to resolve a conflict or end the argument unresolved before bed?

21. Would you rather never be able to sleep next to your partner at night, but spend the day with him/her, or always spend the day away from him/her but see him/her at night?

22. Would you rather spend 5 years away from your partner, but be sure you will reunite and get married after these 5 years, or stay together, not sure what may happen in 5 years?

23. Would you rather ask your partner for help or figure it out yourself?

24. Would you rather have a partner that’s very obsessed with video games or a partner that’s very obsessed with shopping?

25. Would you rather be stuck with your partner on an island, or be stuck in a mountain chalet?

26. Would you rather relive your last argument with your partner every week, or relive your most embarrassing moment every month?

27. Would you rather be able to change the future or the past?

28. Would you rather be 80 years old forever or five years old forever?

29. Would you rather be 25 or 45 for the rest of your life?

30. Would you rather have a family of 12 children or never be able to have children at all?

31. Would you rather date someone who was intelligent without common sense or someone who had common sense but is not-so-intelligent?

32. Would you rather your partner be rich and cocky or broke and a sweetheart?

33. Would you rather take an exhausting and unenjoyable trip to an exotic location for your honeymoon, or have a relaxing time at a dingy motel along the highway?

34. Would you rather know all the people your partner has been with or know known of them?

35. Would you rather be caught cheating or catch you spouse cheating?

Deep Would You Rather Questions for Your Boyfriend

To make your life easier, I have compiled a list of the sexiest and deep would you rather questions for your boyfriend that you can ask. Prepare yourself with these questions and embark on an adventure with your boyfriend.

1. Would you rather figure it out yourself or ask for help?

2. Would you rather have a muscular body or a normal body?

3. Would you rather be kissed or hugged every day?

4. Would you rather be alone or around people most of the time?

5. Would you rather eat your favorite meal for two months or never eat your favorite meal again?

6. Would you rather let your spouse date your best friend or your biggest enemy?

7. Would you rather live by the ocean for one year and have no money or never live there?

8. Would you rather have your lover tell you what they want as a gift or surprise them?

9. Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?

10. Would you rather receive a love note or a sexy text?

11. Would you rather clean the toilet or wash dishes by hand?

12. Would you rather be with a partner who is an influencer on social media or have a partner who has no social media at all?

13. Would you rather be embarrassed in front of your coworkers or on social media?

14. Would you rather be kissed on the lips or the neck?

15. Would you rather have no emotions or be able to deeply feel every little thing?

16. Would you rather be a famous movie star couple or a power business couple?

17. Would you rather control time or control space?

18. Would you rather spend money on vacation or spend it on a physical item like an iPhone?

19. Would you rather be poor and have many friends or be rich and have no friends?

20. Would you rather have a partner who is famous or a partner who is rich?

21. Would you rather have a partner who never hugs you or a partner who never kisses you?

22. Would you rather get proposed in a public place or in private?

23. Would you rather be a superhero or a villain?

24. Would you rather be able to read your lover’s mind or feel their emotions?

25. Would you rather be trapped together in an escape room or a haunted house?

26. Would you rather be kissed on the neck the whole night or kissed on the mouth the whole night?

27. Would you rather have frequent bad s#x or no s#x at all?

28. Would you rather have a date night every month or two times per week?

29. Would you rather have a significant other who is super romantic or super dirty?

30. Would you rather have a date night at your favorite place every time or try a new place every date?

31. Would you rather make love in the shower or outside in the rain?

32. Would you rather have a partner who is a saint or someone who is super freaky?

33. Would you rather be intimate in the sea or on the beach?

34. Would you rather never be intimate again or never kiss again?

35. Would you rather have cute nicknames for each other or have none at all?

Deep Would You Rather Questions for Adults

If you’re looking for some fun, then these deep would you rather questions for adults are perfect. The questions increase the brain’s ability to connect in different ways. Have a look!

1. Would you rather pay twice as much for your clothes or be forced to make all of them?

2. Would you rather have the details of your financial life or your love life be made public?

3. Would you rather have an embarrassing birthmark on your butt or a pimple on your face?

4. Would you rather be mistaken for a bad actor or your father?

5. Would you rather die of sadness or die of guilt?

6. Would you rather eradicate world rapists or terrorists?

7. Would you rather wash your pets or your dishes with your tongue?

8. Would you rather have your kitchen with everything you need but disorganized or a neat kitchen that is always missing one thing you need to complete your recipes?

9. Would you rather never be able to go out during the day or never be able to go out during the night?

10. Would you rather never be able to use your phone’s camera again or your phone’s calling system again?

11. Would you rather have your house be broken into and burglarized or your phone broken into with all of your information leaked to the general public?

12. If you were born to a teenager, would you rather be kept or put up for adoption?

13. Would you rather bring food into the bedroom or props?

14. Would you rather go to bed alone forever or share a bed with someone forever?

15. Would you rather grow three inches taller or never have to receive a single piece of spam mail ever again?

16. Would you rather never go to a fun party ever again or be stuck with the cleanup at the best party ever?

17. Would you rather be on the bachelor or the bachelorette?

18. On a long plane ride, would you rather be left alone or would you rather strike up a conversation with your seat partner?

19. Would you rather be forced to spend a week with your worst enemy or never be allowed to see your best friend ever again?

20. Would you rather blow up like a pufferfish when you feel threatened or bark like a small dog?

21. Would you rather cheat in a test and get 100% or not cheat in a test and get 30%?

22. Would you rather make love in your backyard or in a car?

23. Would you rather spend the next year exempt from all taxes or have a one month paid vacation?

24. Would you rather it be daytime for the rest of your life or night?

25. Would you prefer nobody coming to your wedding or nobody coming to your funeral?

Deep Would You Rather Questions to Ask Friends

We offer a list of brilliant, thought-provoking deep would you rather questions to ask friends below. Get to know your friends better with these deep would you rather questions.

1. Would you rather cut your nails too short every time or not be able to own a pet?

2. Would you rather have magical powers in the normal world and not be able to tell anyone or live in a magical world of your creation but there’s nothing magical about you?

3. Would you rather kiss a fish or a snake?

4. Would you rather be forced to text using only emojis or abbreviations?

5. Would you rather be forced to drink everything using a coffee stir or a shot glass?

6. Would you rather have a family that is super big or super small?

7. Would you rather live solo on an uninhabited island or live in a city apartment with six roomies and one bathroom?

8. Would you rather be an extra in an acclaimed, Oscar-winning movie or star in a so-bad-it’s-good flick?

9. Would you rather be forced to wear black contacts to a job interview or be forced to get a bad tattoo?

10. Would you rather only be able to listen to the same song or only be able to watch the same movie for the rest of your life?

11. Would you rather have to publicly speak every day or get a visible tattoo you really hated?

12. Would you rather be a cat or a dog?

13. Would you rather have to post everything in your search history right now or post the names of everyone you’ve ever had a crush on?

14. Would you rather have to go on 150 first dates in a year or have to automatically spend a year with the next person you go on a date with?

15. Would you rather spend the night in a landfill or be forced to face your biggest fear?

16. Would you rather be able to see smells or taste colors?

17. Would you rather have one best friend but no casual ones or a big group of casual friends but no best friend?

18. Would you rather always feel nauseous or always feel dizzy?

19. Would you rather be the smartest or the funniest person in the room?

20. Would you rather be locked in a room with your ex or go on a date with someone whose political beliefs are the total opposite of yours?

21. Would you rather get silver at the Olympics or be the best hula-hooper of all time?

22. Would you rather be given a million dollars tomorrow or 10 million dollars 10 years from now?

23. Would you rather always have to tell the truth even when it’s harsh or be someone who compulsively lies?

24. Would you rather work for a boss you hate but make good money, or work for a boss that you love but make minimum wage?

25. Would you rather be unable to remember names or unable to remember faces?

26. Would you rather go to your dream school and have to take out a bunch of student loans or go to a decent-enough school you have a full ride to?

27. Would you rather be able to go through every traffic light ever or never have to wait for your food at a restaurant?

28. Would you rather spend a bunch of money on your wedding or on your honeymoon? (Or would you rather just have the money to spend on yourself, because who needs to get married?)

29. Would you rather be forced to eat cereal every day for the rest of your life or never be allowed to eat cereal ever again?

30. Would you rather go a year without desserts or have to eat a spoonful of wasabi every single day?

31. Would you rather never receive another piece of mail or never receive another birthday card?

32. Would you rather watch RuPaul’s Drag Race with Andrew Garfield or the Bachelorette with Demi Lovato?

33. Would you rather kiss your crush after not brushing your teeth for a week or know you won’t kiss them at all for the next year?

34. Would you rather forget everything you’ve ever heard or remember every conversation?

35. Would you rather be brought back as a dog or as a cat in your next life?

36. Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your future or 10 minutes into the future of someone else?

37. Would you rather turn blue when you’re nervous or sweat when you’re anxious?

38. Would you rather have to follow the Rock’s fitness plan for a month or get one of Pete Davidson’s (remaining) tattoos?

39. Would you rather watch only scary movies or only rom-coms for the rest of your life?

40. Would you rather change jobs every few years or keep one job for the rest of your life?

41. Would you rather sneeze and cough at the same time or get the hiccups when you laugh?

42. Would you rather bite your tongue on food or get a paper cut whenever you turn a page?

Deep Would You Rather Questions to Ask a Guy

What are some deep would you rather questions to ask a guy? The game Would you rather is a simple and fun way to answer this or that question with you and your guy. 

1. Would you rather want to be 5 minutes early or always be 5 minutes late?

2. Would you rather be unable to use search engines or unable to use social media?

3. Would you rather be handsome but stupid or intelligent but ugly?

4. Would you rather go hunting or fishing?

5. Would you rather be balding but fit or overweight with a full head of hair?

6. Would you rather have a completely automated home or a self-driving car?

7. Would you rather do a risky business or get a good salary from a permanent job?

8. Would you rather be an amazing painter or a brilliant mathematician?

9. Would you rather have a flying carpet or a car that can drive underwater?

10. Would you rather be a bowling champion or a curling champion?

11. Would you rather be fantastic at riding horses or amazing at driving dirt bikes?

12. Would you rather save someone’s life and get killed or save yourself and let the other person get killed?

13. Would you rather work easily for someone else or work hard for yourself?

14. Would you rather never be able to wear pants or never be able to wear shorts?

15. Would you rather live in the wild or stay on the streets of your city as homeless?

16. Would you rather get one free round trip international plane ticket every year or be able to fly domestic anytime for free?

17. Would you rather have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life? (Both are amazingly delicious and can be any type of sushi/taco you want)

18. Would you rather want to be famous when alive or when you are dead?

19. Would you rather give up bathing for a month or give up the internet for a month?

20. Would you rather be the best in the world at climbing trees or the best in the world at jumping rope?

21. Would you rather like to stay hungry for 4 days or eat every 4 minutes?

22. Would you rather earbuds and headphones never sit right on / in your ears or have all music either slightly too quiet or slightly too loud?

23. Would you rather eat rice with every meal and never be able to eat bread or eat bread with every meal and never be able to eat rice?

24. Would you rather be forced to eat a cup of dirt or a cup of lawn clippings?

25. Would you rather travel the world for a year all expenses paid or have $40,000 to spend on whatever you want?

26. Would you rather be able to go to any theme park in the world for free for the rest of your life or eat for free at any drive-through restaurant for the rest of your life?

27. Would you rather have a second set of eyes on the back of your head or poisonous fangs?

28. Would you rather be the absolute best at something that no one takes seriously or be well above average but not anywhere near the best at something well respected?

29. Would you rather go back to age 5 with everything you know now or know now everything your future self will learn?

30. Would you rather never be able to watch TV again or never be able to use YouTube again?

31. Would you rather be homeless for around five years and then rich forever or always be in the lower middle class but never actually go homeless?

Deep Would You Rather Questions to Ask a Girl

The first time you meet your girlfriend, you might wonder how you can get to know her better. These deep would you rather questions to ask a girl might help you to know her on a deeper level.

1. Would you rather find a dead body or be a witness to a deadly assault?

2. Would you rather elope or have 300 people at your wedding?

3. Would you rather be able to predict the future or forget anything you wanted from your past?

4. Would you rather tell your ex you still are in love with them or kiss a horse?

5. Would you rather never age or never have to worry about money?

6. Would you rather be rich and hate what you do or have just enough to make ends meet and love what you do?

7. Would you rather be able to speak any language you wanted or play any instrument you wanted?

8. Would you rather be CEO of your own company or be paid a good salary to not have to work a ton in a less-senior role?

9. Would you rather discover the biggest diamond ever or the lost city of Atlantis?

10. Would you rather live near family or be far from family but living exactly where you wanted?

11. Would you rather be surrounded by other people 75% of the time or alone 75% of the time?

12. Would you rather be extremely talented at one thing only or pretty decent at a large number of things?

13. Would you rather always be overdressed or always be under dressed?

14. Would you rather be shown love in gifts or through words of affirmation?

15. Would you rather win a top prize for a work of art you’ve created or earn a patent for an invention you’ve made?

16. Would you rather have a pause button in your life or a rewind button?

17. Would you rather find meaning in what you accomplish in life or in who you surround yourself with?

18. Would you rather marry for love, for practical purposes or never get married at all?

19. Would you rather find meaning in religion or be comfortable with atheism?

20. Would you rather be forced to hibernate during the winter or be forced to go nocturnal during the winter?

21. Would you rather sleep in the same clothes you have on during the day or be forced to sleep without blankets or pillows?

22. Would you rather be single for 10 years or have three relationships in 10 years that, going into them, you knew would all end?

23. Would you rather spend all the money you made in life or have something to leave behind?

24. Would you rather die before or after your partner?

25. Would you rather receive one big, flashy gift from someone or a bunch of small but meaningful gifts from someone?

26. Would you rather dismantle systems of oppression from the inside or the outside?

Deep Would You Rather Questions about Life

These deep would you rather questions about life can give you a window into your loved one’s psyche, which is one of the reasons you have to admit it is a fantastic game. Scroll down for the list.

1. Would you rather restart your life or continue with it as it is?

2. Would you rather be infamous in history books or be forgotten after your death?

3. Would you rather forget the worst moment of your life or remember the best moment of your life?

4. Would you rather be able to cry in front of other people, or only be able to cry alone?

5. Would you rather be one of the world’s leading experts in a single field or be the most well-rounded and versatile person in the world?

6. Would you rather be stronger than average or smarter than average?

7. Would you rather have no Facebook for a year or read no books for a year?

8. Would you rather learn from your mistakes or never make any mistakes?

9. Would you rather eat the same breakfast for the rest of your life or give up the internet?

10. Would you rather start your life over again or have $10 billion dollars as a 40-year-old?

11. Would you rather control the world for five years of your life or for five minutes every day of your life?

12. Would you rather live spend the next 10 years of your life rich and sad or poor and happy?

13. Would you rather miss Christmas eve or summer camp?

5 Tips for Choosing Deep Would You Rather Questions

Now you have to narrow down your choices among so many deep would-you-rather questions. It’s not enough to just read these lists; you’ll have to make some decisions. To help you identify the winners for you and your loved one, here we’ll provide five tips to help you get your would you rather choices down.

It’s a great way to find out more about someone by playing a would you rather questions game. Here are some icebreakers to help you break the ice at your next remote meeting. Let’s scroll down!

Who is Your Beloved

Think about your sweetheart while going through your list of would you rather questions and what kinds of questions may appeal to her/him.

Avoid to Repeat the Same Questions

Don’t keep asking the same question over and over again. This shows that you’re not listening or that you’re so self-conscious that you’re not really taking in the information. You’d be better off remembering something the person told you in the past and expanding and developing that together.

What You’re Willing to Share

A person’s level of vulnerability should match the amount of inquiry they’re offering in return. Your mistakes can be turned into laughs that remind everyone of your humanity when you share what you have learned from them.

Always Have a Backup Plan

What do you do when you fail to generate a laugh with your first question? Be prepared to attempt the task again a few minutes later if you fail the first attempt. Always make some extra backup plans that might help you. After a few tries, you’ll get the correct question if you have sufficient options at your disposal.

Make Them Simple Yet Attractive

You should always ask simple, yet catchy questions to get to know each other better. So be as straightforward as possible when designing your questions.

Final Thoughts on Deep Would You Rather Questions

Complexity works like lengthening your life as if you were asking would you rather questions. To learn more about someone, you should ask deep would you rather questions.

I developed these would you rather questions as a different approach to typical methods of getting to know someone. As a rule, the better your questions, the more fun the game will be, so you should ask them deep and thought-provoking questions if you would like them to consider their options for a little longer.

You’ve found the right place if you’re looking for a list of deepwould you rather questions to ask during the renowned would you rather games. Get started now. Play the would you rather questions game to elucidate the minds of your opponents.

Hopefully, you enjoyed reading this article. Happy bonding!

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