Home » 311 Hilarious Smoking Jokes to Ignite Your Sense of Humor
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311 Hilarious Smoking Jokes to Ignite Your Sense of Humor

Ever thought smoking could be a catalyst for laughter?

Our curated compilation of jokes about smoking is crafted to ignite your sense of humor and bring a smile to your face.

Whether you’re a smoker or simply someone who appreciates a good laugh, these smoking jokes are sure to entertain.

Ready to light up the laughs?

Let’s dive into the world of smoking jokes and have some fun!

Best Smoking Jokes

Spark up your day with these best smoking jokes. From smoky tales to ignited punchlines, these jokes are a surefire way to light up your mood!

Did you hear about the man who was fired from his job because he kept asking his customers whether they would prefer “Smoking” or “Non-smoking”?
Apparently, the correct terms are “Cremation” and “Burial”.

Have you heard people say that smoking will give you diseases?
What they don’t know is that it cures salmon.

Do you know that my neighbors are okay with smoking, alcohol, and marijuana?
But cocaine is where they draw the line.

Why is it weird to smoke weed with immigrants?
If you ask anyone if they have any papers, they all run like hell.

There are 3 men on a boat and 4 cigarettes, they don’t have a lighter, how do they smoke?
They toss one cigarette over board to make the boat a cigarette lighter.

What do ducks smoke?

Yo mama so fat, she doesn’t smoke blunts.
She smokes hams.

What do fish smoke?

One woman said to another, “Do you smoke after you make love?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never looked.”

What do you call a guy named James who smokes e-cigs and works at a prison?
Jim the Juul Man Jailor.

What happens if you smoke weed in Saudi Arabia?
You get stoned.

Why should you be worried if you see cows smoking marijuana?
Cause that’s when the steaks are highest.

Around 2 am, an elderly guy is stopped by police and asks where he is traveling at this time of night. “I’m on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late,” the man responds.
The officer then inquires, “Really? Who is giving that lecture at this hour?”
The man replies, “That would be my wife.”

What’s a chiropractor’s favorite thing to smoke?

What does an angel use to light his cigarette?
A match made in heaven.

What do French people smoke?

Why did Bilbo Baggins quit smoking?
He wanted to give up the Hobbit.

What is the secret to having a smoking hot body in old age?

What do you call cigarettes you find in a thrift shop?
Second hand smokes.

How did the pirate quit smoking?
He used the patch.

A salesman knocks on a house’s doorbell, and the door is opened by a 12-year-old boy clutching a glass of cognac and smoking a cigar.
The salesman is taken aback, but he presses on, asking, “Is your father home?”
The kid replies, “What the f*ck do you think?”

What kind of weed do reptiles smoke?

Why did the boat pick up smoking?
Because of pier pressure.

What’s another name for time off from work to have a smoke?
Taking a coughy break.

Why doesn’t Gollum smoke or dip?
He doesn’t like those filthy habitsez.

Why don’t vampires like to smoke?
They always end up coffin.

What do you call a magician that smokes?
A wheezard.

How do you get your best friend to quit smoking?
Quit laughing and put the fire out.

What do communists smoke?

What do you call a king that’s smoking a bong?
Your Highness.

What do Pastafarians smoke?
Medicinal marinara.

What’s a priest’s favorite cigarette?
Holy Smokes.

What has two [eyes] and smokes?

What do Nintendo fans smoke?

What kind of marijuana does SpongeBob smoke?

What do skeletons smoke to get high?

Why don’t Sikh men smoke?
Because their beards will get Singh’ed.

What did the big chimney say to the little chimney?
“You’re too young to smoke.”

What do you call a penguin with a smoking problem?
It’s a puffin!

What happens when a person with ADHD smokes marijuana?
He stones out.

Where does the Bible mention smoking?
Genesis 24:64 — And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel.

What do you call an alpaca that screams when it sees a fire?
A smoke a-llama.

A woman walks up to an elderly-looking man rocking in a chair on his porch.
“I couldn’t help noticing how happy you look,” she says. “What’s your secret for a long, happy life?”
“I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day,” he says. “I also drink a case of whisky a week, eat fatty foods and never exercise.”
“That’s amazing,” the woman says. “How old are you?”

What do you give a pumpkin who is trying to quit smoking?
A pumpkin patch.

What do you call a chair that smokes weed?
A high chair.

How is eating p#ssy similar to smoking a cigarette?
The flavor changes as you get closer to the butt.

What do you call it If you m*sturbate after smoking marijuana?
Not sure between high-jacking and weed-whacking.

Did you hear about the officer who was fired for smoking cannabis and masturbating on the job?
No name was given but he was a high wanking officer.

Funny Smoking Jokes

Blow away the seriousness with these funny smoking jokes. Whether you’re a smoker or not, these quips promise a breath of fresh humor and a good chuckle!

I told my wife I was gonna start smoking pot. She said if I did she’d leave me. I guess it’s true what they say…
Marijuana truly is an effective way to get rid of aches and pains.

Being on a United Airlines flight is like smoking weed.
You take a hit, then a long drag and soon you wake up not knowing where you are.

A man always smoked two cigarettes at a time
When people asked him why, he answered: I’m smoking one for myself and one for my brother in jail.
One day he was smoking only one, so people gladly asked “is your brother out of jail?”
He answered: “no, I quit”

What’s the difference between smoking weed and burning the koran?
If you burn the koran, you can only get stoned once.

I stopped smoking weed the day after I spent 30minutes looking for my phone under the bed…
….while using my phone’s flashlight.

Whenever people tell me smoking is bad for me, I tell them that my great Grandmother lived to be 100 years old.
And when they say “did she smoke her whole life” I say “no, but she was real good at minding her own business”

I’m ok with marijuana, and smoking and even heroin.
But cocaine is where I draw the line!

Tom observed that his girlfriend had started smoking, so he slowed down and applied some lubricant.

Smoking is a scientific wonder!
It kills people, but cures salmon.

I’m ok with marijuana, smoking, and even heroin.
But with cocaine I draw the line.

Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world.
I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.

I was sitting in the train and across from me was this smoking hot Thai chick
“Please don’t get an erection….” I thought, “please don’t get an erection….”.
But she did.

My ex girlfriend is a lot like my grill.
They’re both smoking hot and burned my house down.

After seeing the Anti-Smoking campaign, I don’t smoke anymore.
But I don’t smoke any less, either.

I don’t understand why people say it’s hard to quit smoking.
I have done it twenty times a day for years now.

To stop smoking is super easy.
I’ve done it 5 times already.

Why was the teenager arrested in Wal-Mart after asking if they sold protective coverings to use while smoking weed?
When asked why he came in, he said he needed to “case the joint.”

What do you call a group of Indians smoking weed?
A Hindu Kush.

Did you hear about the fruit that started smoking?
It was pear pressure.

Everybody says smoking will kill you.
What don’t tell you is that it cures salmon.

If smoking is so supposed to be so bad, then why does it cure salmon?

The intellectual People say smoking will give you dangerous diseases.
What they don’t know is that it cures salmon & so on…!

Did you hear about the guy who died after smoking a whole cigarette in under a second?
What a drag!

A chicken and an egg were in bed together. The chicken was smoking a cigarette and the egg looked frustrated.
I guess that answers that question.

My girlfriends been smoking for 45 minutes now…
Maybe I should put her out.

A musician died while smoking weed from a dollar bill…
At least he went out on a high note.

Wow, somebody actually died from smoking too much weed.
His cause of death was “Blunt Force Trauma”

I’m done with smoking, for good…
now I only smoke for evil.

What’s the best part about smoking meth?
Only three more sleeps till Christmas.

I read an article about how smoking is bad for your health and I decided…
That’s it. I’m no longer reading.

My friend and I were in the car the other day and I said I smelled weed. He said ‘It’s just a skunk’
Can you believe it? He thought a skunk was smoking weed.

An old lady was smoking and pumping gas…
Next thing I know, she’s running around the parking lot, screaming, with her arm on fire. The cops showed up and arrested her for waving a firearm in public.

Hey guys I am making a group where we can share and promote smoking weed
We shall be called the Joint Forces.

Quitting smoking is the easiest thing ever.
I’ve done it a thousand times.

What does a wolf hunter consider success?
Smoking a pack a day.

Just put my father’s ashes in the bin.
I wish he’d stop smoking or just empty the tray himself.

Sir, don’t you know that smoking is slow death?
Who said I was in a hurry?

The only time I’ll ever have a smoking-hot body.
…is when I’m cremated.

Don’t smoke kids,
Because smoking kids is bad for you.

What is the difference between burning the Quran and smoking weed?
You only get stoned once after burning the Quran.

What do you call a pioneer smoking weed?
A trail blazer.

What do you call a smoking alkane?
High Octane.

My dad says quitting smoking is pretty easy…
…He quit like 100 times.

Those studies that say people often die from smoking are bullshit.
My uncle smoked. He died only once.

What do you do if your girlfriend starts smoking…
Stop and apply lubrication.

I think my neighbor might be involved in some illegal activities.
I heard him confess to tax evasion when I was smoking meth in his attic.

What should you do when you see your girl smoking?
Slow down, use lube and try again.

Why do fat people like to be cremated?
Because then they get to have smoking hot bodies.

What do you call some that dies while smoking weed?
Stoned to death.

There’s a sociopathic murderer on the loose, and reports are saying he is constantly smoking marijuana.
Police are calling him the weedkiller.

A guy narrates of his incredible tale to a friend
“I came across this beautiful woman. She was tied to the railroad tracks. I freed her and we made passionate love. Her body was smoking hot!”
“How was the face?” his friend asked.
“Oh I didn’t find the head.”

They say quitting smoking is the easiest thing on the world.
That’s why I’ve done it a million times.

Someone pressured me into smoking weed one time and it still scares me to this day
I call it blunt force trauma.

Cop: Your eyes look red. Have you been smoking pot?
Me: Your eyes look glazed. Have you been eating donuts?

The best day is tomorrow.
Tomorrow we all will go to gym, start studying and working in earnest, quit smoking and drinking, will get up and go to bed early…
But every day when we wake up, it’s today again…

Smoking can’t be that bad.
I don’t know of a single living person that died from smoking.

Why do stoners make lousy poker players?
Because they keep smoking the pot.

Hear about the famous chain-smoking Dutch painter?
Vincent Van Cough.

What do you call a Pokemon who is trying to quit smoking?

It turns out smoking prevents Alzheimers.
You don’t live long enough to develop it.

Research shows that smoking pot does not make you paranoid.
But I highly doubt it.

My girlfriend likes it from behind while she’s smoking a blunt.
Snoop Doggy style.

Just say No
I spent today grinding down the latch from the little wooden door that leads into my garden, then tried smoking the resultant powder only to find that it had zero effect on me – so much for these gateway drugs…

Why did the farmer stop smoking with his cattle?
Because the steaks were too high…
Score: 21.

An angry cell walks into a bar…
Smoking a cigarette the cell orders a drink.
When the barman turns around the cells were three. “Tumor!”

I have decided to run a marathon and have taken up vaping instead of smoking
You could say I am running on fumes.

What do you do if your daughter starts smoking?
Slow down and use lube.

My laptop got left outside during a storm. I tried turning it on and the screen blew and the keyboard started smoking.
That’s the first time I’ve seen the rain set fire to a Dell.

A couple of guys threw rocks at me for smoking weed in public.
I was stoned.

Hilarious Smoking Jokes

Ignite your sense of humor with these hilariously smoky quips. From puffing puns to blazing anecdotes, these jokes are designed to set your laughter ablaze!

Smoking will kill you.
Bacon will kill you too.
But smoking bacon will cure it.

If smoking marijuana causes short-term memory loss,
what does smoking marijuana do?

Everyone tells you that smoking will kill you
What they don’t tell you is that it cures salmon.

What do you call a group of people smoking weed?
A Joint Coalition.

I just slept with this smoking hot girl…
It was a lucky strike.

Everyone knows smoking causes cancer.
But have you heard it can also cure salmon?

I quit smoking cold turkey.
Hot ones finish faster.

Why did the cows stop smoking weed?
Because it got to the point where the steaks were too high!

What do you drink while smoking a blunt?
Bud light.

What do you call a smoking piece with nothing in it?
DMT Pipe.

You know what’s hotter than smoking?
The radiation that follows it

My pot smoking college roommate decided to choose Theology as his major.
He’s now a high priest.

I stopped smoking weed the day after I spent 30 minutes looking for my phone under the bed.
while using my phone’s flashlight.

Who would have thought that one day we’d be smoking weed at a family gathering….
…..but the illegal part would be the gathering.

I don’t know why people say that quiting smoking is hard.
I’ve must have done it a few dozen times by now.

Apparently smoking weed makes you gain weight.
That explains my Pot belly.

Are you saying smoking has no effect on a woman’s voice?
Try dropping some cigarette ash on the carpet.

Smoking seriously harms you and others around you.
So smoke casually for the sake of public health.

I saw Charles the III walking up a hill smoking a blunt the other day.
He was hiking.

What did one smoking pipe say to the other smoking pipe?
Don’t go ashtray.

Smoking is good for the environment.
Because it kills humans.

Short Smoking Jokes

Hit the brakes for a moment of quick hilarity with these short smoking jokes. Fast, funny, and perfect for a speedy mood lift!

Smoking a cigarette is a lot like frying bacon, it always sizzles at the end.

I knew a cigarette who was great at math, it always had a good filter for numbers.

Why did the cigarette break up with the match? It felt burned out.

Never trust a smoking book, they’re always full of butts.

How do cigarettes stay in shape? Pack-a-day workouts.

The cigarette’s favorite music? Rock ‘n’ roll-ups.

Why did the cigarette go to school? To improve its butt marks.

The cigarette didn’t like its job. It was always getting fired.

Why are cigarettes good at soccer? Because they’re always getting kicked around.

Why was the cigarette a bad comedian? It kept butting in.

Cigarettes in a race? They never finish, they just burn out.

A cigarette’s favorite movie? Gone with the Wind, because it always gets blown away.

Why did the cigarette go to therapy? To deal with its ash-ues.

My cigarette made a great detective; it was always on the case.

Why don’t cigarettes play poker? Too many butts.

Cigarettes are like squirrels. They’re harmless until they’re behind the wheel.

Why was the cigarette a bad friend? It always leaves you in a puff.

What’s a cigarette’s favorite game? Chain reaction.

The cigarette’s autobiography was titled “Up in Smoke.”

Why do cigarettes hate jokes? They can’t stand the roast.

A cigarette’s favorite dance? The butt shake.

What did the cigarette say to the match? Together, we can light up the world.

Why did the cigarette go to the art gallery? To get framed in smoke.

Cigarettes are the ultimate freelancers, they love working from home.

Why was the cigarette a good writer? It had a strong point and a solid roll-up.

The cigarette’s favorite subject in school? Chemistry, because it always reacted.

Why did the cigarette lose the race? It stopped for a puff break.

What’s a cigarette’s least favorite day? Ash Wednesday.

A cigarette in space is like an astronaut: always orbiting in a cloud.

Why did the cigarette join the gym? To get its butt in shape.

A cigarette’s life goal? To make it to the butt hall of fame.

Why are cigarettes like bees? They both have a sting at the end.

The cigarette’s philosophy? Life’s short, burn fast.

Cigarettes in a drama? Always playing the villain.

A cigarette at a party is always smokin’ hot.

Why did the cigarette break up with the lighter? It wanted to see other flames.

The cigarette’s favorite place? Anywhere it can ash around.

Cigarettes and computers have a lot in common, they both have memory chips.

Why don’t cigarettes like rain? It dampens their spirit.

The cigarette’s favorite kind of story? A puff piece.

Smoking Jokes One Liners

Experience the essence of humor in a single puff with these smoking jokes one-liners. From witty quips to clever punchlines, each line is a smokin’ burst of laughter!”

Why did the cigarette cross the road? To get to the butt side.

Cigarettes at a circus? Always juggling ashes.

Why do cigarettes like the cold? They enjoy a nice chill before the burn.

The cigarette’s dream vacation? A trip to the ash-tounding mountains.

Why did the cigarette become a chef? It had a flare for grilling.

Cigarettes in a mystery novel? Always playing a smoky character.

Why did the cigarette get an award? For outstanding butt performance.

The cigarette’s favorite superhero? The Flamer.

Why don’t cigarettes like water? They prefer to stay dry and lit.

Cigarettes at a concert? They’re always in the lighter section.

Cigarettes are like hamsters; perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.

I told my cigarette we were going on a trip, but it was just a smoke screen.

Quitting smoking is easy, I’ve done it a hundred times.

My smoking habit is a lot like my phone battery, it dies every night.

I thought smoking was cool until I learned it’s just a drag.

If smoking is so bad for you, why does it cure salmon?

I asked my cigarette for a light, but it just glowed with pride.

I’m not really a smoker, I just light up in burning situations.

My lighter stopped working, so now my cigarettes are on a roll-up strike.

Smoking: because air just isn’t enough for some people.

Cigarettes are like squirrels; they’re only dangerous when they jump in your mouth.

The only smoking I do is when I’m on fire with ideas.

Smoking helps you lose weight, one lung at a time.

My cigarette told me it was quitting, but it was just blowing smoke.

I have a pack-a-day habit, but luckily it’s just gum.

Cigarettes are my worst habit, I just can’t ash them out of my life.

My cigarette thinks it’s hot stuff, but it’s just burning away its potential.

I never smoke to excess – that’s where I draw the line.

The cigarette said it wanted to be a star, but it just burned out.

I told my cigarette about my problems, but it just smoked them away.

My cigarette’s favorite pastime? Butt watching.

I tried to quit smoking, but I couldn’t match up to it.

Cigarettes are like a box of chocolates, they both come with a warning label.

My cigarette said it was feeling burned out, so I gave it a light.

Why did the cigarette go to school? To improve its ash-ues.

Quit Smoking Jokes

Navigate the path to a smoke-free future with these quit-smoking jokes. Humor becomes the ally in the challenging journey, offering laughs as potent as determination.

I finally decided to quit smoking for good. Now I’m a part-time smoker, full-time regretter.

I told my doctor I wanted to quit smoking. He said, ‘You should lighten up first.’

Quitting smoking is easy; I’ve done it a thousand times.

I tried to quit smoking cold turkey, but then I realized I’m not a quitter, I’m a smoker!

I quit smoking for health reasons – my health and everyone around me!

I quit smoking because it’s bad for my wallet. Now I can’t afford anything else either!

I quit smoking, but now I’m the designated lighter for all my friends.

I quit smoking, but now I spend more time outside with smokers than when I smoked.

I quit smoking, but now my car runs on second-hand smoke.

I quit smoking, but now I’m the designated air freshener wherever I go.

Smoking Jokes for Adults

Sip on the nuanced humor of these smoking jokes crafted for adults. With smoky narratives and fiery punchlines, each quip is a sophisticated indulgence for a discerning audience.

Why did the smoker always carry a lighter? Because he wanted to be a matchmaker!

Smoking cigarettes can really burn a hole in your pocket…and your lungs.

I tried to quit smoking once, but it went up in smoke.

Why did the smoker bring their cell phone to the bar? They wanted to take a smoke selfie!

Smoking might be a drag, but it sure does light up a room.

My friend said they quit smoking, but I think they’re just blowing smoke.

I asked the smoker if they ever get tired of smoking, they replied, “No, it’s always a breath of fresh air!

If smoking was a sport, it would definitely be called “puff and pass.”

Smokers always know how to roll with the punches…and with the cigarettes too.

Smoking might make you look cool, but it’s definitely not a high society activity.

My friend used to smoke so much that they could blow smoke rings around Saturn.

Why did the smoker go to the gym? They wanted to work on their lung capacity.

Smoking can really light a fire under your health insurance premiums.

Smokers love to indulge in a good puff piece every now and then.

Why did the smoker become a magician? They wanted to make cigarettes disappear!

Smoking might add years to your life…if you count the time spent lighting up.

Smokers have a lot of burning questions…like “Do you have a light?”

Why did the smart smoker always have a book with them? They wanted to have a smokin’ read!

Smoking might give you a bad cough, but it definitely won’t be a sick joke.

My friend asked me if I thought smoking was bad for their health… I replied, “It’s just a smokin’ gun waiting to go off!

Everyone tells you that smoking will kill you What they don’t tell you is that it cure salmon

Do you remember when air was free at the gas station, and now it’s $1.50? You know why? inflation

Holy smokes this blew up, THANK YOU all for the awards and the silver!!

My teeth were stained, so the dentist asked me, do you smoke or drink coffee? I told him I drink it.

Everyone told me smoking kills, I had no idea how fast. My dad went to get his first pack of cigarettes ever and I never saw him again.

I got fired on the first day of my new job for asking customers if they would prefer “Smoking or Non-Smoking.” Apparently, the correct phrase is, “Cremation or Burial.”

Today I cooked something for my family and they all said it was terrible. Jokes on them, the smoke detector thought it was fire.

Fidel Castro was a cigar-smoking, repressive leader who hated free speech and a free press. Donald Trump, in comparison, doesn’t smoke.

I got fired from my job because I kept asking the customers if they prefer smoking or nonsmoking. Apparently the correct terms are “Cremation” and “Burial”.

Why do people in Beijing smoke so many cigarettes? To get a breath of filtered air.

My girlfriend’s such a bad cook, she uses the smoke alarm as a timer.

What do ducks smoke? Qwack

What should you do if your girlfriend starts smoking? Slow down.

What kind of cigarettes do hippies smoke? Yours.

Quitting smoking is the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I’ve quit hundreds of times.

If your girlfriend starts smoking.. Use some lubricant.

Doctor: You don’t look too good. Do you smoke or drink alcohol? Me: I drink it.

What do you do if your girlfriend starts smoking? Slow down and possibly use a lubricant.

How did Elon Musk celebrate 420? With SpaceX going up in smoke.

My wife made me stop burning clocks She was worried about all that second hand smoke

Today I decided I won’t smoke anymore I won’t smoke any less either though.

A kid in the park told me smoking was bad for me So I popped his ballon with my cigarette and informed him so was talking to strangers.

There are three men on a boat with a pack of cigarettes and no matches. How did they manage to smoke? They threw a cigarette overboard, and made the boat a cigarette lighter

Kids are like smoking cigarettes. I love them for about 5 minutes a day, until I realize that they are slowly killing me.

Smoking Jokes and Puns

Engage in a laughter-filled rendezvous with smoking jokes and puns. These quips are a vibrant tapestry of smoky humor and clever wordplay, promising a delightful escape into amusement.

Why did the cigarette get a job at the bakery? Because it was tired of being a smokin’ loaf!

What did the stoner say to the smoker? Weed always be together!

Why did the scarecrow quit smoking? Because it realized it was just straw-ful for its health!

What do you call a chicken that smokes? Puffin!

Why do cigarettes never get invited to parties? Because they always go up in smoke!

Why did the cigarette break up with its partner? It couldn’t handle the constant ash-ault!

What’s a smoker’s favorite kind of music? Jazz, because it’s smokey and smooth!

Why did the smoker open a music store? Because they heard that smoke on the water can be catchy!

What did the doctor say to the patient after they quit smoking? “That’s a breath of fresh air!”

Why did the owl quit smoking? It didn’t want to be called a hoot-aholic!

What did the cigarette say to the lighter? “You light up my life!”

Why did the cigarette go to therapy? It had an identity crisis, always thinking it was a cigar!

What do you call a smoking dog? A hot dog!

Why do smokers never get lost? Because they always have a light at the end of the tunnel!

What’s the smoker’s favorite Christmas carol? “Deck the Halls with Smokes and Lighters!”

Why did the cigarette become an artist? It could always find inspiration in the smok-etry of life!

What did the cigarette say to the smoker? “I’m burning for you!”

What’s the smoker’s favorite dance move? The ash-tango!

Why did the smoker go to college? They wanted to learn to ash-cend in their career!

Why doesn’t the cigarette play sports? It’s afraid of going up in a puff of smoke!

Smoking is my vice, but it really lights my fire.

I told my doctor I’m quitting smoking, and he said, “Don’t ash-pire to anything less!”

Smoking may be a burning desire, but it’s extinguishing my health.

Quitting smoking is tough, but it takes a real ashtronaut to do it.

My smoking habit is going up in smoke.

I wanted to quit smoking, but nicotine proved to be a hard habit to stub out.

Smoking may make me look cool, but it’s slowly extinguishing my flame.

Smokers have an ignitable personality.

Ashes to ashes, but cigarettes are always a blast!

Smoking is like a hot date that never ends, leaving you burning for more.

Quitting smoking is a real drag, but it’s worth it to breathe easy.

I told my friend I wanted to quit smoking, and they asked, “Why let a fag be your everlasting flame?”

Smokers may look hot, but they’re a real fire hazard.

I can’t help but get fired up around smokers.

Smoking transforms you from smokin’ hot to smoldering ashes.

Quitting smoking is a real breath of fresh air, no ifs, ands, or butts about it.

Smokaholics are like human chimneys, always puffing on something.

Lighting up gives that special kind of burning sensation.

Quitting smoking is easier said than done, but it’s time to put that ashtray out of commission.

Cigarettes may be burning, but they’re not as hot as me smoking them.

I’m trying to quit smoking, but it’s such a hard habit to kick.

Final Thoughts

In closing, our expedition into the world of smoking jokes has been a joyous ride through clever quips and funny tales.

We’ve celebrated the lighter side of smoking with a shared sense of humor.

How did these jokes about smoking resonate with you? Let us know in the comments below!

Also, share the smoker jokes with friends, keep the joy alive, and let the echoes of these light-hearted moments linger in your daily life.

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