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327 Philosophical Questions to Elicit Deep and Meaningful Discussions

The use of philosophical questions is an effective tool for stimulating and developing critical thinking. The study of these topics explores matters related to free will and human nature; the source and value of happiness; moralism and ethics; love, logic, and knowledge; religion, death, and the meaning of life, among others.

It is important to realize that a list of deep philosophical questions can lead to endless and seemingly unanswerable questions, but they can also act as an inspiration for imaginative thinking and problem-solving.

We can use such questions to evaluate arguments, explore foreign ideas, identify potential biases, and think about our own beliefs and presuppositions. Take a closer look at the following list of philosophical questions.

Best Philosophical Questions

The purpose of philosophical questions is to provoke a deeper understanding of the human experience that does not necessarily have black-and-white answers. I’ve designed a list of the best philosophical questions. 

1. Where did we come from?

2. Are humans innately good or evil?

3. Is there hope for our future and life after death?

4. What happens when we die?

5. Do humans need God to exist?

6. Why are we here and how should we live?

7. Why does suffering happen?

8. Does consciousness continue after physical death?

9. Are we really free?

10. What makes us human?

11. Should we try to prevent bad events from happening? If so, then how would we go about doing that?

12. Is it okay to lie to protect yourself?

13. Can humans change their behavior if given enough time?

14. Is there anything wrong with being selfish?

15. What is beauty?

16. What makes human life so valuable?

17. Can animals feel pain? If so, why don’t they try to avoid hurting each other?

18. Why does it matter if we’re alive?

19. Are children born good or evil?

20. Do humans need other people in order to live?

Deep Philosophical Questions

Using our list of deep philosophical questions, you will be able to look inside yourself and at the world around you to find meaning in your life. Be sure to meditate on the questions before attempting to answer them.

1. Do guns protect people or kill people?

2. Can dreams be associated with the unforeseen future?

3. Do thoughts control who we are?

4. Is true beauty subjective or objective?

5. Intelligence or wisdom, what’s more important for a better world?

6. Will the world come to an end by human hands?

7. Is religion conceptualized by one’s own belief system?

8. Can memories be erased?

9. Is humanity doomed to head in a destructive direction?

10. Does understanding philosophy lead to progress?

11. Is it possible time is being altered right now?

12. Will time travel be made possible in the future?

13. Does the English language make us feel superior to other countries?

14. Does awareness of consciousness have benefits?

15. Do thoughts have a pattern?

16. Are we losing our right to privacy?

17. Why can’t every person be a genius?

Funny Philosophical Questions

Not all philosophical questions are serious. While our list of funny philosophical questions may take some serious contemplation, they are meant more for a light-hearted evening than a spirited debate or disagreement.

1. If nothing sticks to Teflon, how does Teflon stick to the pan?

2. If one of your parents was a clown, would that make them scarier or more approachable?

3. If you were given a different name at birth, would you be a different person?

4. What’s the difference between a light meal and a large snack?

5. Are you dreaming right now? How do you know?

6. What’s another word for “synonym”?

7. If I slap you with a dictionary, is it considered physical or verbal assault?

8. Why do you get a flotation device on a plane but not a parachute?

9. Why do we have seatbelts on planes but not on buses?

10. Do our pets have names for us, too?

11. At what age do you become an “elderly” person?

12. Why do banks have branches if money doesn’t grow on trees?

13. If milk can spoil in the refrigerator, why doesn’t it spoil inside of cows?

14. Why are lethal injections sterilized?

15. Why do angry drivers yell at other drivers when those drivers can’t hear them?

16. Why does it take so long for quicksand to work?

17. Can vegetables feel pain when you bite into them?

18. How do towels get dirty if you only ever use them when you’re clean?

Random Philosophical Questions

Not all philosophical questions have to be as serious as “What is the meaning of life?” What about random? Don’t hesitate to use humor when asking random philosophical questions or providing unorthodox answers. Learning should be fun and engaging.

1. Are animals freer than man?

2. Are animals like people?

3. Do trees feel pain?

4. Are insects conscious of life?

5. What makes something humorous to some and not to others?

6. If you save time on something, what happens to that time?

7. Why do we talk to ourselves?

8. If you try to fail and do, did you actually succeed?

9. How do we determine if something is certain?

10. What is the function of intuition?

11. Is everything subjective?

12. Are perceptions real?

13. What is truth?

14. What determines success vs. failure?

15. Can something be true without evidence?

16. Is fate real?

17. At what point does consciousness begin?

Abstract Philosophical Questions

Abstract. The study of philosophy raises questions that involve fundamental issues and beliefs and will require a deeper level of thinking rather than empirical research to answer. Have a look at the following abstract philosophical questions.

1. How relevant is the family in today’s world?

2. Is there such a thing as honor in today’s society? How would you define honor?

3. Can a person be “educated” without a formal education?

4. Is preservation of a country’s culture a good reason for limiting immigration?

5. Which is more important, justice or mercy?

6. Is beauty truly in the eye of the beholder?

7. Is world peace achievable?

8. What harsh truths do you prefer to ignore?

9. How much does language affect our thinking?

10. What’s the difference between justice and revenge?

11. Where does your self-worth come from?

12. Why are drugs banned but not harmful food additives and alcohol?

13. Is it ever okay to share a secret?

14. Does the study of philosophy ever lead to answers or simply more questions?

15. Does time have a beginning or an end?

16. Can we know about happiness without knowing about sadness?

17. Do you think anyone has actually met their true soulmate?

Good Philosophical Questions

Philosophical questions are open-ended. Philosophical questions are those that seek an understanding of the subject examined in depth since philosophy itself means “love of wisdom.” Choose the good philosophical questions in your conversation. 

1. Can some things exist that aren’t in time?

2. Can there be things that, in principle, are unobservable?

3. What is time?

4. Is time real or an illusion?

5. Can there be time without change?

6. What is consciousness?

7. Are humans free?

8. What are numbers?

9. Could time be cyclical?

10. Is the self a bundle of experiences?

11. Why is there something rather than nothing?

12. Could there be a person who was not in time?

13. Is freedom compatible with determinism?

14. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

15. Does the “Law of Attraction” exist?

16. Why does time feel slow or fast depending on the day and the moment?

17. Are clowns funny or scary?

Unanswerable Philosophical Questions

I’ve curated a list of unanswerable philosophical questions. It is important to keep in mind that each individual pondering these deep questions may have completely different perspectives. Think outside the box.

1. Which is more important, to be respected or liked?

2. Can there be aspects of reality that, in principle, are unknowable?

3. When was the world created around us?

4. Why can’t we “answer” questions sometimes? Why do we feel like we don’t know something about ourselves?

5. Should we be able to control our lives or is government control a good thing?

6. Why was Einstein the last one to make declarations on Math and physics?

7. History says that aliens visited our planet, is it possible that some humans left Earth?

8. Is it possible that some parts of history never truly existed?

9. Can money be anything that we decide it is?

10. What is the point of something having a “value” to us in this world?

11. What’s one word that describes time without saying the word “time?”

12. What would our world look like without the idea of time?

13. Do we think that people are actually seeing ghosts?

14. Is it possible that each person can see a different reality?

15. Is it plausible that we didn’t actually land on the moon?

16. Is it plausible that the world is actually flat?

17. Is our world better with laws or would it be better without laws?

Hard Philosophical Questions

Unlike most deep philosophical questions, hard philosophical questions require thinking but can be answered. There are many of them that involve stating one’s opinion along with either facts or personal experiences to support that opinion.

1. Are twins unique?

2. What are the limits of science?

3. What exactly is self-esteem and where does it come from?

4. Which is better, to play a good game and lose, or cheat and play a “bad” game and win?

5. When do you think we stop learning as a child? At what age is it that we end our knowledge desire?

6. What rights, if any, do animals have?

7. Do computers have the ability to be creative?

8. Do wars ever solve the problems of countries and governments?

9. Is there a cause for every event?

10. Do people really have free will?

11. How much freedom should people be allowed to have?

12. Should governments have penalties for those who live unhealthy lifestyles?

13. Should people have the right to live and travel anywhere they wish with no state or country boundaries?

14. Should we limit the amount of money people can earn and save to avoid an unequal distribution of wealth?

15. When you are driving and see one shoe on the side of the road, what do you think happened to the other shoe?

16. If you had one body part of someone else, what would it be?

17. What is the purpose in life for each person?

Interesting Philosophical Questions

The purpose of epistemological questions is to determine which types of evidence can be trusted as reliable sources of information as well as why. There are certainly some interesting philosophical questions that can fall under this category:

1. Does evil come from within, and if so, why?

2. Are people in this current generation less or more sensitive than people from past generations?

3. Have gadgets and apps taken away emotions?

4. Are there limitations to free speech?

5. Does an ideal government exist?

6. Does free will exist, or is every action predetermined?

7. Why do people get married?

8. Is marriage necessary?

9. Is euthanasia wrong in all circumstances?

10. Could immortality be possible?

11. Should we try to prolong our lives at any cost?

12. What would happen if we lived forever?

13. What happens to the body after you die?

14. If a child becomes the parent, who then becomes the child?

15. How should we measure success?

16. If people are able to erase bad memories, would anyone choose to forget their entire life?

17. Why is it acceptable to kill insects?

Ethics Philosophical Questions

Ethics and morality both address the distinction between right and wrong. The difference between morality and ethics is that morality refers to personal standards, while ethics refers to the standards of good and bad that are imposed by a certain community or social group. So, take a closer look at the following philosophical questions about ethics.

1. Is peace the only way to stop war?

2. What’s more important: doing the right thing or doing things right?

3. Why do we throw away food when we know people are dying of hunger?

4. How do I know what’s true?

5. Should the government make organ donation compulsory?

6. Should people be allowed to sell their organs and should organ donors be financially compensated?

7. Does democracy work for every country?

8. Is torture ever justified?

9. Is it always good to have choices?

10. What does society mean and why do we have to live in one?

11. What is true friendship?

12. Why do we strive for perfection if it is not attainable?

13. What is your favorite philosophical thought?

14. What do you believe but cannot prove?

15. Where and how would you hide an elephant if someone gave one to you but you could not let anyone know you had it?

16. Why is a mustache considered attractive on a man, but not on a woman?

17. What is the difference between a curtain and a drape?

Big Philosophical Questions

It doesn’t matter if you are fascinated by philosophical questions about happiness or ethical questions, this giant list of philosophical questions will get your mind spinning and will make you think about life in a different way. Try these big philosophical questions.

1. Is defining people according to race a social construct or a biological category?

2. Is there a difference between fair trade and free trade? What is it and which is of greater importance?

3. Is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?

4. If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?

5. Where do thoughts come from?

6. Why are people told to respect the dead?

7. Which is more real: mind or matter?

8. Do the needs of many outweigh the needs of a few?

9. What is emotion, and why do we experience it?

10. If every cell in my body gets replaced in 7 years, will I still be me in 7 years?

11. Is it more important to be a leader or a follower?

12. What are dreams and why do we have them?

13. Why do we do things we do not like to do?

14.bIf lying is wrong, are white lies, okay?

15. Do atheists make their own gods?

16. How should people live their lives?

17. Can artificial intelligence be creative?

Moral Philosophical Questions

The study of philosophy deals with fundamental and general questions relating to knowledge, values, consciousness, language, reason, and existence. To take your conversation to a deeper level, use the below moral philosophical questions.

1. Should full access to the internet be a fundamental right?

2. Why is beauty associated with morality?

3. Do we change when we have power?

4. Is there an innate moral code?

5. Should we judge others by their actions?

6. Are we morally obligated to help others?

7. Is it better to have a strong moral compass or to have strong values?

8. Are emotions rational or irrational?

9. Is there such a thing as an ideal government?

10. Is love different from lust?

11. Does democracy function well for every country?

12. What is self-esteem, and how is it constructed?

13. Is everyone’s life of equal value?

14. If judgment is for God, why do we pass judgment?

15. Can religious beliefs affect scientific thinking?

16. What makes something immoral?

17. Why do most people think that lying is bad?

Philosophical Questions about Life

In spite of the fact that such questions can lead to endless and seemingly insoluble questions, a list of philosophical questions about life, such as the one provided below, can offer a springboard for critical thinking.

1. What is the meaning of rich and poor in the modern world?

2. Do we control technology or is technology controlling us?

3. Will artificial intelligence help increase human lifespan in the future?

4. What gives life meaning?

5. What’s the purpose of life?

6. What would you genetically change about humans to make them a better species?

7. If babies are considered innocent, when do people cease to be innocent?

8. Is there anything that has to be relatively true for everything that exists?

9. Should humans be asking what the meaning of life is?

10. Do you believe that God is happy with the way humanity currently works?

11. Is there a perfect life?

12. Can life be meaningful without friends?

13. Is living life to the fullest possible?

14. Does living your life for others make your life have meaning?

15. Does life have a reason?

16. Are we a minuscule part of intelligent life in the universe?

17. How does one find purpose in life?

Philosophical Questions about Happiness

According to a Philosopher Aristotle “The main purpose of life is happiness the whole aim, and the end of human existence.” That’s why I’ve collected the philosophical questions about happiness for you. 

1. Some claim money can’t buy happiness, but can happiness exist without money?

2. Is friendship necessary for happiness?

3. What is the meaning of a good life?

4. Is it more important to be respected or liked?

5. Have we become less happy in this age of technology?

6. Are humans obligated to better themselves and will that make them happier?

7. Is the most important purpose in life to find happiness?

8. Does life require a purpose and a goal?

9. What is happiness?

10. Do acts of kindness have a motive?

11. Can achieving nothing make a person happy?

12. Does utilizing time properly make our lives meaningful and happy?

13. Do numbers in a bank account make people happy?

14. Can spirituality make you a happy person?

15. Are highly intelligent people less happy than individuals with average intelligence?

16. Is there an absolute way to attain a happy state of mind?

17. Do knowledge and understanding make you content and happy as a person?

Philosophical Questions about Love

Here I find a biblical definition of love, “In love, all things are possible, all things are believed, all things are hoped, all things are endured.” Must use below philosophical questions about love. 

1. Do we love ourselves more in the virtual world and less in the real world?

2. What is the meaning of true love?

3. Which is easier: to love or to be loved?

4. Does true love exist?

5. When is the best time for someone to fall in love in their life?

6. Is love different from s#xual desire? Passion? How?

7. Is love simply physical desire or something more?

8. How do you know if you love someone enough to marry them?

9. Are children born with an innate love for their parents?

10. Can life without love exist?

11. What makes someone fall in love?

12. Is there a difference between love and lust?

13. Does love last forever?

14. Is it okay to love yourself?

15. Is love natural or a choice to be made?

16. Where do we find love?

17. Can love exist without God?

Philosophical Questions about Death

Having a healthy conversation about death is possible when done correctly. Here are some philosophical questions about death that can stimulate thought, provoke discussion, and perhaps even positively influence our lives:

1. Why do we respect the dead more than the living?

2. How do you properly say goodbye to someone that has died?

3. How can we know for sure that there is an afterlife?

4. Is there such a thing as a good death?

5. If death is inevitable, why bother doing anything?

6. Do ghosts and spirits of our deceased loved ones exist, or are they only mental projections?

7. How can we be sure there is or is not life after death?

8. Should terminally ill people be allowed or encouraged to commit suicide?

9. How long will you be remembered after you die?

10. How likely do you think it will be that humans will last another 1,000 years without killing ourselves off?

11. Would you want to know you are going to die beforehand or die suddenly without warning?

12. If you had to decide on one song to play during your funeral, what would it be?

13. When we die, what do you think heaven looks like?

14. If someone is killing themselves and you simply watch and refuse to interfere, are you responsible for that death?

15. Is it fair to punish criminals with death?

16. Why do people fear death?

17. Can we know for certain if there is life after death?

Philosophical Questions about Human Nature

Based on the belief that people are entitled to dignity and respect, and ultimately to life, human rights are based upon the idea that humans deserve respect and dignity. Look at these philosophical questions about human nature.

1. What is the extent of freedom human beings should have?

2. Will technological advances wipe out humanity?

3. Can you still daydream at night?

4. Is there a soul?

5. Why do bad things happen to good people?

6. Are people natural-born leaders, or do they develop the traits over time?

7. What is the goal of existence?

8. What are the laws of nature?

9. Do humans possess the power of free will?

10. What are the harsh truths about human nature?

11. What is morality in human nature?

12. What’s the idea of “getting revenge,” and why is it part of our human nature?

13. What shapes a person, nature, or nurture?

14. What is the goal of humanity?

15. Can predestination and free will coexist?

16. Did you exist before you were born?

17. Do all people deserve respect?

Philosophical Questions about the Universe

There are two most popular belief systems concerning the origin of the universe: The Big Bang Theory or that all of the universe and life were created by God. Let’s dive into the philosophical questions about the universe.

1. Will a curb on buying guns and arms reduce the number of shooting sprees in the world?

2. Is there a species more advanced than humans in the universe?

3. If all the currencies in the world did not have monetary value, would our world be a much better place?

4. Would this world be better or worse without teachers and formal education?

5. Will stricter laws make a better world?

6. Is limiting immigration to developed countries, right?

7. What is the origin of the universe?

8. What created the universe?

9. What are the material components of the universe?

10. Does the cosmos have a purpose?

11. Is the universe inherently random, as quantum mechanics predicts?

12. Is space real or an illusion?

13. Why does the universe exist?

14.What are the laws of the universe?

15. Is space itself an entity, or is it reducible to spatial relations between objects and events?

16. Does life exist outside of our world?

17. Are there any downsides to universal human rights?

Philosophical Questions about Religion

There are probably some toughest questions when it comes to religion. The role of religion in many people’s lives is a driving force (and for a good reason). Check out the following philosophical questions about religion.

1. Will the world be a better place if caste and religion cease to exist?

2. Does God have supreme power?

3. What should you say when God sneezes?

4. Who created God?

5. When you’re at the gates of Heaven, what’s the first thing you’re going to say?

6. Why are we searching for the God particle?

7. If God were to give us one piece of advice, what would it be?

8. Is there a higher power?

9. Can morality exist without religion?

10. Is God a created being?

11. Should I follow my beliefs blindly?

12. What makes a person a Christian?

13. Who decides which religions are right?

14. Why does faith matter?

15. Is religion compatible with science?

16. Are miracles real?

17. What constitutes religion?

5 Tips for Choosing Philosophical Questions

Life’s philosophical questions are naturally thought-provoking. It is possible to use even controversial philosophy topics to teach your teen critical thinking – a skill that will serve him or her for a lifetime!

There is no doubt that philosophical questions spark wonderful, stimulating debates among older students, especially those in upper middle school and high school. There is nothing to worry about we’ve come up with tips to choose the philosophical questions to ask your friends.

Choose Debating Questions

The ideal opportunity to practice critical thinking can be found in philosophical debates, which can be both fun and challenging.Logic philosophy questions are a good place to start if you haven’t debated in your homeschool before.

Discuss Different Age Groups

If your students are of different ages, adjust the depth of each step accordingly. Consider keeping the debate more like a simple discussion and less about structure and speeches for younger middle school students. Nevertheless, you may want to encourage high school students to develop well-developed arguments and rebuttals.

Start a Conversation with Something Lighter 

When it comes to starting your meetings, some lighter questions are a bit more lighthearted than asking what’s the meaning of life. Remote meetings are made easier with this collection of games. Always start your chat with some lightened questions that will help you to stay connected with the next person.

Pick Two-sided Topics

Choosing a topic with two sides is your responsibility: don’t be narrow-minded. Philosophical works might consider exploring an opposite problem. Take a multifaceted approach to the subject so that you can refute the opposition’s arguments with a stronger case.

Add Some Common Questions

Always add some common philosophical questions to your conversation. These questions may give some relief to your friends and family when playing game philosophical questions about ethics and morality.

Final Thoughts on Philosophical Questions

There is something awakening about philosophical questions that makes them popular in circles. Various people from various walks of life respond to deep philosophical questions, but none of their answers have conviction and a comprehensive explanation that makes perfect sense.

There are many different kinds of mind-blowing philosophical questions. Various forms of reasoning have existed since man was able to reason.

It doesn’t matter what kind of philosophical question one asks, whether it is deep, hard, fun, or funny, all of them require the capacity to think and reason. As an icebreaker or conversation starter and as a fun way to get to know others better, use our lists for parties and dates.

Consider coming up with your own original philosophical questions if you want a real challenge. Let us connect in the comment section to share your views regarding this question guide, I’m excited to know your reviews. Ask away and have fun!

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